Recently, I’ve not spoken to anyone. I’ve tried but I’m often given dry responses. No one ever carries on conversations with me, not even my best friend talks to me anymore, it makes me seem like the guy people can call a friend but once I’m gone from their view or am not needed by them, I’m no longer of use or worth considering socialising with. Ever my best friend has been taken, he’s almost cut me off. Only messaging when I do so, never going into depth. I used to have 2 groups I could hang out in but the 1st one broke apart after 2 people split. I didn’t want to become a part of it so I stayed out of it. The 2nd I tried to be close and stuff but eventually over time they’ve lost things that we can connect over and I’m never invited out to social gatherings. I often try to invite people out but it rarely ever happens, I only talk to 4 people as of recently. 3 girls; one of which seems to only talk to me because I try really hard to engage in conversation otherwise I don’t think she would bother at all and 1 boy, an old friend. None of these are close in any way. They all have their own friend circles that I don’t quite fit into. I’m not quite sure what to do.

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