What I can see on Google most popular meat in the US is Chicken ( I thought th that beef was more popular) but what is your favorite.

I’m guilty of all charges my favorite meat is chicken followed by fish and then beef

  1. most commonly eaten is chicken, favorite is salmon and shrimp. However I am not made of money so I eat chicken a lot more often lol. Chicken thighs… very nice, tasty and easy to cook.

  2. Chicken without a doubt.

    I love beef/red meat, but for diet, health, and environmental reasons I try to save it for more special occasions or when its really worth it in the form of a really good burger or steak or something. Occasionally on a taco, but even then thats rare. I’ll make a taco with poultry or fish more often than beef for the aforementioned reasons.

  3. Chicken is #1 in my house, followed by pork (in sausage or bacon form), followed by beef, then cod and shrimp. Cod goes into fish cakes and tacos.

    My wife is less adventurous than I am. Up to me, we would have more lamb, duck, game, other seafood, etc.

    Edit: Nobody asked, but I also spend an outsized sum to get products sourced from farmers in my community, where I can drive to the farms and see that the animals are treated well.

  4. I don’t eat meat anymore, been vegetarian for 12 years. Prior to that it was definitely chicken. I hardly ever ate beef and practically never ate seafood.

  5. Definitely chicken due to the price plus it’s so versatile. I’ll usually get bone in skin on chicken thighs and sometimes the family packs are less than a dollar per pound so I load up the freezer.

    If I was made of money I’d be eating steaks more often but ever since the price of beef went crazy at the start of the pandemic I haven’t been buying any beef, even ground, as often. Ill get ground every now and again or get a steak or stew meat or whatever to make certain dishes but I don’t keep it in the freezer like I do chicken and pork, and even tilapia. Salmon is also great but it’s also more expensive than chicken and pork so I don’t get it as often as I’d like to.

    I used to eat a ton of deer meat when I was younger but I haven’t eaten as much the last few years.

  6. Favorite doesn’t mean the one you eat the most. The meat I eat most is chicken because it’s cheap and I can make it a million ways, but my favorite is probably lamb. But if I ate lamb as often as I eat chicken, I’d be bankrupt in a week

  7. I probably eat more pork than chicken, but not by much. Probably because it comes in forms (roasts, chops, sausage, mince) that are easier to prepare than the cheapest chicken I can find (whole, dealing with bones & skin & gristle). The chicken *is* cheaper, but not by much, and that probably evens out when you account for the waste.

    I barely eat any beef anymore, and then only mince. Everything else is unaffordable. I’m on a fixed income so “unaffordable” is above around $3.50 – $4 per pound. I don’t object to turkey, but it’s consistently more expensive than chicken, now, which I don’t understand since demand is supposed to be very low for turkey. Food prices in the U.S. these days are pretty much “whatever the hell they feel like” anyway, so who knows?

    Of course, if I had all the money in the world… this wouldn’t change much. Still a big fan of pork, might eat more chicken if I could justify the expense of the more convenient, boneless/skinless cuts. There’d be some seafood in there too if money was no object, but nothing crazy. Salmon, fresh tuna, shrimp, maybe clams.

  8. Fish by a long shot. Can’t think of the last time I bought chicken at a grocery store.

  9. Beef and chicken. I’m trying to cut back on the beef, but my wife and college age kids want it all the time.

  10. Before I stopped eating it entirely I probably ate salmon the most, but that was over a decade ago so it is hard to remember.

  11. I guess it’s the stereotype that when people here eat out they order a giant steak, but it’s not so common anymore.

    In our house we eat chicken, fish and vegetarian meals most nights. If we eat anything like beef we’ve been getting Bison.

  12. Favorite is beef. Most commonly consumed is Chicken and Tuna. Beef isn’t great for you to eat all the time healthwise and it is crazy expensive. So I keep it a treat.

  13. I prefer fish and beef, sometimes I’ll have bacon or pork sausage. I don’t really eat chicken these days, the stuff you get in the supermarket has a weird texture I can’t get past. All that being said I try to go plant based as much as I can so I’ve been eating more Tofu and beans for my protein intake.

  14. Tofurkey I guess? Like once a month maybe.

    Unless you count meats aside from fleshmeat and its analogues. Like the meat from nuts, which would have to be cashews or peanuts or walnuts or almonds. If beans count then blackbeans or soybeans in the form of tofu.

    It’s a bloodless diet of mercy.

  15. Let me just some this up for all of America.

    Favorite: Ribeye

    What we can afford: chicken breast on sale for $1.99/lb

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