I (22F) have been consistently talking to this guy, we’ll call him john (26M), for about a month now. Everything has been great!! We both hold the same morals, values, and really clicked from the beginning. He works in the oilfield so he has been out of town for about 3 weeks and couldn’t get time off to come see me. He was finally off this week and so we had our first date last night. The whole date felt like a dream. Nowhere in the date were there awkward pauses or anything weird. It was the perfect date. We both expressed that and the feeling was mutual. Even after the date, he texted me how great of a time he had and how he hopes to see me again. We were both talking to our roommates about how great the date was and even had an intimate conversation. Today even was amazing. I felt like I was walking on clouds, and he had expressed how happy he was and how he thought I was special. We briefly talked about how he might even come see me this sunday, which is his birthday. It’s currently 1 am and I just got a text out of the blue that he doesn’t not want to date. He deleted his tinder, unadded me on socials, and blocked my number. His reason was that something had come up and he can’t ignore it. I genuinely think he had good intentions throughout the relationship and I can for sure say that he wasn’t cheating because he was talking to his friend and his friends fiancé about me, as well as his siblings and even parents. Im just genuinely curious as to what could warrant a text like that and my number blocked? Like what kind of situation makes a guy go MIA?

  1. Uh, tons of things? Death in family, illness in family, mental health issues, regular medical health issues…

  2. Sometimes these things happen and it sucks. I went out on a first and second date with a girl vert sweet and kind both dates were amazing both expressed interest in each other had a 3rd date planned but had to cancel due to a winter storm then she just quit talking to me. Never knew why just gotta accept sometimes people just be like that.

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