So basically, I have some on off friends, and they always make fun of me, like if i say something they make a crude imitation of my voice and constantly discredit me. Thing is I’ve unfortunately done some bad stuff to them (lying) and they consistently bring these things up when I try to change. Resolve the situation or no?

  1. I think that if you haven’t apologised for lying to them and such, give it a go. It’s never too late to apologise! Even if they don’t apologise back for being rude or at least forgive you, it’s good that you’ve got the guts to say sorry about the past. If they continue to be rude maybe it’s time to move on and find some people who understand you more and have fun with you without you being made fun of. It’s better to be the bigger person here- that’s just my opinion though!

  2. Dude it sounds like they’re bullying you and then saying “oh well you lied so it’s ok for us to treat you however!”

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