How can you tell if someone is from the west or east coast?

  1. Ask them.

    Sometimes the accent will give them away, but not everyone will have an accent that’s associated with one of the coasts.

  2. My experience is that people from the Northeast who move to Florida are like vegans. You don’t have to guess because they’ll tell you – over and over.

  3. Northeast? We talk faster and it seems we are interrupting, because we expect a way shorter pause while someone is speaking, so if you are a slow talker you will get walked all over in a conversation because our timing is way off.

  4. East coasters are kind but not nice, west coasters are nice but not kind.

    Someone from Boston will help you with a flat tire then call you a dumbass, someone from LA will just stand there talking about how terrible it is you’re in that situation

  5. I think we’re probably a little superficially friendlier and bundle up anytime it’s like lower than 70-75 degrees

  6. Well it’s pretty easy, one coast is full of smug assholes and the other coast is full of smug assholes who walk fast.

    (I actually love both coasts, but I couldn’t resist!)

  7. It’s very easy to figure out. Just ask them where they are from and they’ll often tell you.

    Going off accents can be tough since a lot of people have pretty generic sounding accents, even in cities associated with a thick accent. Personality stereotypes are also unreliable as I know plenty of friendly outgoing New Yorkers and plenty of non-chatty people from the Midwest.

  8. Unless they’re part of a specific ethnic enclave, like New Jersey Italian or Boston Irish, you won’t really know. Both coasts are dominated by the General American accent, especially in urban centers, and the differences in cultures between them are not as great as the difference in culture between individual people on the same coast.

  9. Ask “What’s the best way to cook a marmot?”

    If the response is “What’s a marmot?” then you know.

  10. I am too midwestern to notice or care much about the differences between people from the coasts.

    If they want me to know, they’ll tell me!

  11. If you preface a highway number with a “The” on the east coast you’ll treated like the psychopath that you are.

  12. The fashion, hair, and makeup styles tend to be fairly distinct.

    You can’t always tell, but some people are very obviously one or the other.

  13. as someone from the midwest. I can tell if someone is from the west coast. people from the west coast usually have this “pretentious” demeanor. it’s very subtle but i can sense that they think highly off themselves. like a light smugness

    they usually don’t have much awareness around this. but it’s like a very quiet and poised way of acting. not that it’s a bad thing.

    people from the east coast are blunt. they are trying to get to point A to point B and don’t give a shit about anything around them. if you’re in their way you better get out. very busy but honest.

  14. Tell them there’s a business-casual meeting that afternoon and see what they wear

  15. Piss them off.

    The East Coaster will be blunt about what you did wrong and where you can shove it.

    The West Coaster will give you a passive aggressive “friendly reminder” that will somehow leave you feeling *worse.*

  16. I can tell if they’re from one or the other by the way they act like those are the only two choices

  17. Hard to really say. The east coast and the west coast are kinda similar to each other all things considered. A lot of times, I can tell if someone is from the west or east coast (as opposed to the Midwest and mountain west) just by the way they…. talk about places. I know that sounds lame. They tend think that their coast is #1, but respect that the other coast is #2, and some think the Midwest and non ski town mountain west is inferior to the coasts. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to everyone from the coasts, and it’s harder to tell for people who don’t make a coast their personality.

  18. Do you want to know if someone is from New York or California? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

    Want to know if someone is from Arizona? Comment on the temperature.

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