More specifically from a partner, but in general too. I don’t really have any needs from my partner, I mostly deal with it on my own (figuring out the problem, food, hiking, martial arts, hot bath, sports, sleep, etc). My needs from her are really to not be unnecessarily mean and to not hold me back from pursuing my goals.

  1. Most men don’t know what their emotional needs are since we’re taught to ignore them.

  2. Space

    Also to have my efforts acknowledged once in awhile instead of being relentlessly criticized, dismissed or belittled

  3. Yeah that sounds about right. Just generally supporting me and my mental health if I’m working my way to success or if I’m suffering due to maybe a family loss or something.

  4. From a partner? Ow I got this. So you know how your doing the deed and reality your doing all the work? I need someone who doesn’t just lay there, I need someone to push back against me, make me feel I’m wanted there too. Emotionally that all I need

  5. My dad always made me suppress my emotions so I guess someone who’s empathetic and enjoys hugs,cuddling and kissing would be nice

  6. I’m not particularly complicated. Just treat with common respect and courtesy and we’ll be fine. People these days want to make everything so complicated. We all know what it is to treat people nice and care for those we love. It isn’t really that complicated once an open line of communication is opened

  7. Any form of physical intimacy apart from sex is usually overlooked by men. I like when someone plays with my hair for example.

  8. I have no idea. I don’t think I have any.

    >I don’t really have any needs from my partner, I mostly deal with it on my own (figuring out the problem, food, hiking, martial arts, hot bath, sports, sleep, etc).

    Same. I also have a very cold, analytic approach to things. I’ve learnt how to handle 99% of my *limited* emotional needs myself – I don’t have many emotions left so it’s easier.

  9. I need to be wanted for physical intimacy and feel desired by my partner. Other then that, it’s nice to feel needed some of the time (there’s a lot of times I think she can handle things without me and I can’t relate to why she’s asking for help). I got myself covered on every other front.

  10. I need to feel supported emotionally. If it’s clear I’m having a shit day and I say everything is good, call me out on it. I need to be shown that being vulnerable is ok. If I’m upset, I want to hear that I’m not alone.

    I need encouragement. I like hearing that I’ll succeed of in thinking of trying something.

    I need to feel secure in my relationship. I tend to self sabotage when I’m not feeling secure.

    Just be present and be part of the relationship.

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