What kind of poor treatment have you put up with because you were in love?

  1. Not anymore. Never happen again. I’m a different person now. No more heart lmao. But in the past just about everything you can imagine.

  2. Saying hurtful things during arguments.
    If you’re arguing against me and not trying to find a solution to the problem I am not going to argue back.

  3. The long story short version is I kept tolerating her leaving and coming back. Then a few months later she’d leave again. Each time it re-broke my heart because I didn’t want to learn my lesson.

  4. Small petty arguments that weren’t serious at all, but kept happening anyway. Most arguments were blamed on her period…even when she broke up with me (Which was complete bullshit). Disregarding my feelings multiple times. I remember when she went away, and told me she would share her location with me…and never did…then told me sharing it with her aunt was enough…I didn’t need to know anything.

    When we had took our little break from each other, she made a dating profile immediately. Showed me and was already entertaining another guy…who she went to see and things happened to her. Now, the last thing….all that happened in late 2021…now last year she moved away. In the span of 3-4 months, I got lied to, gaslighted, neglected and cheated on….and she’s been dating the dude since. I just realized that she’s probably cheated on me longer than I originally thought….4 years down the drain.

    My first real love…At least I can take this pain and learn from it and use it for future relationships…but this shit really fucking hurts.

  5. I had an ex to Wood regularly assume the worst possible intentions behind something that I would say or do. Even if some thing I had said was a compliment or something I had done was a gesture of love, her brain with twisted around and paranoia would kick in and she would assume that my intentions were Wildly different than what they were. It was definitely the number one cause of conflict in our relationship. But I did my best to not say or do anything that would trigger it because I loved her that much and wanted it to work.

    A year or so after we broke up she started getting therapy and realized it’s a side effect common for people with ADHD and can be treated. She kicked herself plenty for it afterward and I hold no ill will.

  6. I was in an abusive relationship. She used to hit me, punch, and slap. Because I was a man and we abused alcohol I pverlooked it. My thought was hey it doest even hurt but I have matured and learned that it wasn’t ok.

  7. Old boyfriend he tell me I can’t go with my friends because I am to reserve for him. Crazy thingking.

  8. i’ve let a woman completely use me because I can’t get over having feelings for her. Now she calls me when she needs something but, otherwise, we don’t have much of a relationship.

  9. My ex wife had an affair with my best friend and gkt pregnant. I didnt find out until my daughter was 4. I stayed another 4 years

  10. Emotional and Mental abuse from a lying manipulative cheater who thought the world should cater to her and only her. Was with her for 7 years and I wanted out after 5. Felt trapped.

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