im going to be a junior in high school this september but one of my worries is not being able to make friends i truly bond with. freshman year i only made acquaintances and little to no true friends, sophmore year i stepped a bit out of my comfort zone and met a group of friends to sit with at lunch and made friends w other people in my classes, but the whole time i felt out of place like i didnt feel like i could be my authentic self, or i didnt really bond with them on a strong enough level to become close friends or i just felt like i didnt completely fit in. i used to think it was a me problem but maybe its just that i havent found the right people yet that understand me.. how can i meet people who i actually think id bond with deeper? also, part of my identity id say is fashion and my sense of style. my school is huge (about 4,000 people) and i often see people who have similar fashion taste to me and i think “wow their outfit is so cool/interesting i would love to get to know them” but i never seem to have any classes with these kinds of people so i just have no idea how to approach them.. :/ any tips on that?

  1. Hey I’m also going into junior year. I’ve really only hung out with around 2 other people and have gotten pretty close to them, since around the start of sophomore year. I don’t know if you’re anything like me, but that’s really all the friends I need. And connecting with these dudes were really possible because of their similar sense of humor and shared hobbies, plus I’ve had many classes with them which allow me to bond further. However, in your case, since you don’t know if you’re having any classes with people that you seem interested in, maybe joining the school discord server, or joining a “fashion” club would allow for a vessel to connect with others.

    tldr: join communal places. discord servers, clubs

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