Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well.
This is kinda an emergency so I’m gonna cut right into it. And I apologise for writing in advance, English is not my best subject 🙁

So my college just opened check-in for accommodation this Tuesday. And being super excited for the whole uni life, I moved in on Tuesday and have being here 4 days now.

Like most students my roommate hasn’t moved in yet since class only start next month. And because there isn’t much people here right now, there’s no orientation activities at the dorm so the only two people I know are the cleaning lady (super nice) and the security lady.

So you can imagine how lonely I am right now. Usually I don’t mind being alone and often I would be way to shy to make first moves to make friends. But I guess this whole university thing is making me super anxious and want to idk try be less shy.

Anyways, my dorm has this rather strange structure where two rooms would share one bathroom. And I bumped into the guy staying at the other room in our bathroom today, we chatted a bit and it went pretty well! He is a third year exchange student and his roommate hasn’t moved in as well.

Now I want to ask him if he wanna join me to buy some stuff for our rooms (I need to get a lamp and some other things from IKEA). But right now, it’s almost 9 at night and I know he goes to bed quite early since the wall isn’t that thick. I don’t exactly want to knock on his door and ask so I’m thinking slipping a note to him under the door.

But now I’m afraid that would make me look like a creep and eventually waste the chance of making my very first college friend! Sooo what should I do now?

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