Any advice? Especially from those who have been married for a long time.

I have not been feeling attracted to my fiancé lately. I love him he’s my best friend I want to make it work. The sex can be great. But lately I haven’t been finding him very attractive and I find myself being attracted to other guys more and generally just looking at others more. Sometimes I fantasize about other men but quickly snap out of it. I feel really bad and hope it is just a phase. Love and lust can they be two separate things in a successful long term relationship. I think.

  1. Lol we are humans that stage comes and goes, don’t lose someone special over something superficial

  2. Are you on birth control ? Cause I’ve heard that changes what your attraction is

  3. I’m not married, but this could be a phase like you said or your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Maybe try and spice things up with your fiancé? or revisit special places you two share (like where you had your first date, etc.) The only thing that’s questionable is that you’re having these feelings during your engagement. This is the time where you should be looking forward to marrying this person. I know that cold feet exists, but how long has this been going on?

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