Would you say its of bad taste even if its true? Or is such a topic of conversation best reserved for a person that you confide in and have known for sometime perhaps? Thoughts?

  1. It’s mostly about how respectful you say it and whether you reveal private information from them or not. If you do well on those two parts, you should be mostly fine.

  2. If it’s a parent or authority figure I find it in poor taste unless I know the backstory and why it’s a valid feeling.

    Siblings I think it’s pretty normal to talk a little shit about even if you’re very close and you actually think they’re great. But not to the extent of implying they’re a bad person or you hate them or disclosing incriminating personal info.

    I think it’s fine to state early on if you aren’t close to family or have gone no contact and then you can explain later if you’re more comfortable

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