When did you realize you were getting “old”?

  1. When I realized they play songs from Hybrid Theory on classic rock stations.

  2. Back and joints started hurting every morning and I stopped finding videos or fights or parties entertaining. It just made me wonder where those kids parents are.

  3. When I stopped caring about aesthetics and started prioritizing comfort.

  4. Another big one is when my son asked me if goku was a pokemon. Or when people refer to something that came out in the early 2000s as old.

  5. When a great day didn’t involve any specific activity, but only involved family not bothering me and being able to sleep as much as I wanted and eat what I wanted specifically, without interruption.

  6. When I found my first white hair in my goatee 😞
    (But that can also be due to stress)🤔

  7. When I noticed people of authority (police officers, news casters, teachers, doctors, politicians, etc.) were younger than me.

  8. My music is considered oldies, the clothes I wore when young are vintage, and I’m as many years from High School as HS was from WW2.

  9. I was i college and talking to the kid of a girl I worked with at my work study gig. He was playing video games and I mentioned Pac Man to him.

    He asked “What is Pac Man?”

  10. When I started falling and my butt hurt for more than a week.

  11. When I dropped an ear bud on the floor and had an internal discussion on picking it up, or just buying a new set.

  12. When literal kids I knew from their birth grew up and had kids of their own.

    When I saw Justin Bieber and One Direction rise up out of nowhere, take over the world, and then fade out.

    When I realised 2022 is to 2000 like 1992 was to 1970, and in 1992 1970 seemed UNFATHOMABLY ANCIENT.

  13. I went through a stage in my mid to late 20s where I was drinking a bit if not heavily five or six days a week. I was maturing socially, drinking seemed to be something that people did and I found that I liked it. I’d get off work, grab dinner and a beer with friends and next thing I knew it was 11:30pm on a tuesday and I was laughing, joking, talking to a slew of people and having a merry old time over my fifth or sixth pint. Some weekdays I would drink until two or three in the morning. Come the weekend I would often have 10-12+ beers and drink AT LEAST half a bottle of some liquor. Those nights were heaven but the next days could be hell.

    I’m a social drinker and whereas a lot of people I know drank MORE when the pandemic started I found that I wasn’t drinking much if anything for months at a time. When things started lightening up and I started going out with friends every sip of beer or swig of something harder made me realize I was that much closer to a hung over day at work or wasted weekend saturday or sunday in bed feeling like shit. I’m drinking far less now and even though I still have an occasional night where I’ll drink a bit more it’s nowhere close to how I was before, I feel like my body can’t take as much more as I used to and Christ I’d rather not waste my days so I drink less as a result. I know my limits now.

    Still, I miss those days of endless drinking, there was a pleasant feeling drinking, feeling my spirits rise and a communal spirit form between myself and others, friend or stranger. Sometimes I get envious of the younger people I hang out with (ha, I’m only 30) watching them go through the same steps as me. I envy them in a way but I’m also so so so glad that stage is mostly done and over.

  14. When you notice a 3 inch hair growing out of your ear in the shaving mirror.

  15. Getting? I’ve been old since I was born and I fucking like it that way.

  16. I noticed that my devil horn baldness was setting in. It didn’t bother me at all until a couple weeks later when I found pure white facial hairs. I’ve been in existential dread ever since

  17. This year’s halftime superbowl show.

    I’ve moaned for year’s that the show is usually to please the older generation of fans with the singers from year’s gone by.

    Was really happy with snoop, Dr dre and Eminem.

    ……it was then I realised!

  18. When I started seeing pro athletes that are sons of players I used to watch play.

  19. I used to get drunk till 6, then go to work at 8 no problem.
    Now if i want to ge drunk, i do it on friday cause i need 48h to recover.

  20. When picking the wrong pillow could cause more back/neck pain the following day than any rugby game in my youth ever did.

  21. I got mad when they rearranged the store and I couldn’t find anything

  22. When my high school classmates started to get married and have kids. And when a music in a club is too fucking loud.

  23. When i realized that 18 years old hotties are more like a children inside

  24. I’m a driving instructor, when I had to go teach my friends first born how to drive, then another friends kid,.then another…. 🙁

  25. * Hurting back and joints some times,
    * Stopped liking pop music/fashion/etc. trends, sorry but if pop music is Cardi B’s “WAP”, Lizzo and Taylor Swift whinging about how ‘all her exes suck,” I’m out…
    * Stopped liking any underwear which ain’t cotton based/relaxed/boxer-shorts/briefs,

  26. (When I started getting to the age of men I used to find attractive, ha!)

    Interesting comments here.

  27. When I ate shit on my skateboard and my fiends looked worried instead of laughing their ass off.

  28. always had perfect vision, perfect hearing.

    almost 40, suddenly need glasses and have hearing loss… 🙁

    Also, every new pain you feel in joints or back… WELL, I GUESS THIS IS FOR LIFE NOW.

  29. When a pop or rock music festival gets announced with a long list of artists and you don’t know anyone of them.

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