Stupid question… I know.

I’m 26M and I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never even been on a date before. It’s mainly because of social anxiety and due to being scared.

After years and years of therapy I think I’m finally ready to try dating, I’m going to get professional pictures taken because after reading on here it sounds like a lot of guy’s pictures suck (and I know I would fall in that category). But even then, I have no idea what dates to go on, I dont know how to be charming or talk to girls, I dont know what to talk about on dates, I dont know what’s even important to me in a relationship.

It probably sounds dumb coming from a guy with zero experience but I want something serious and I dont know what that even entails or looks like.

I dont know what I’m even asking but any advice for a guy in my position? I’m tired of being so lonely.

  1. Dont try too hard!! No professional pictures please, just nice pictures of you doing things and your interests will attract the right girls. Just talk to girls to figure out what you like/vibe with! Dont put too much pressure on dates or getting to know someone, just relax and be yourself!

  2. You better have something good that makes you stand out.

    Otherwise, you’re probably already screwed. That or you’re dating “bottom of the barrel” at best.

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