“Sit with open body language”
“Don’t cross your legs”
“Keep your feet like this”

All these things just make you insecure. I keep my feet however I want. Fuck you. I’ll do whatever is comfortable. Fuck you. I’ll feel much better knowing I can just put myself at ease instead of all this bullshit. I’m not gonna force myself to be anything than what I am. And if you have a problem with that? Fuck you ☺️

Right now I’m sitting super comfortably in a chair in a room with lots of people. I’m not gonna force anything. Fuck that. I’ll just do whatever comes to me. I don’t even know why I’m talking about it.

Thank you. Bye. Goodbye.

  1. Those tips ain’t about feeling confident, it’s about _appearing_ confident. In a foolish and futile attempt to trick people into believing there ain’t a hot mess of insecurities brewing inside.

  2. This just comes off as insecure OP. Like, ok, you do you? But theres psychological reasons behind it. If you don’t like it, dont do it. But these aren’t really hard to do.

    Plus like, theres so much advice out there, if you dont like advice A, try advice B. Why even make this post?

  3. One thing interesting that I did read in a book is that confidence is our natural state of being. We don’t learn to become more confident. We learn insecurities that make us less confident. Becoming more confident is just addressing our underlying insecurities

    That’s why babies are so confident. They don’t care that they’re babbling nonsense or crawling on the floor. They don’t really have any insecurities at that stage in life

  4. If you are receiving tips chances are you arent doing a good job. And making this thread doesnt give me any confidence either.

    Me and my dad for some reason just like to sit with our legs crossed, not once has anyone pointed out to me in relation to me needing to be more confident.

    Stay sulking then. People being mad at receiving common sense advice. Smh my head.

  5. “Writing a defensive manifesto” is the opposite of confidence my guy. If you’re TRULY gonna “do you” you don’t need to write an essay about it.

    Just do it.

  6. You’ll be automatically confident, when you realise all of that bs techniques are bs and real confidence comes from being yourself.

    When we are younger, or idk your age, but as young people we compare ourselves a lot to other people which brings us down and we feel like we can’t be ourselves. But as you age and you come out of those competitive classrooms and college live where you are constantly pitted against each other, you come out and you will realise with time or failures or whatever, your own self and that’s confidence baby

    Edit: also don’t compare confidence to dumb blind courage. Confidence is being able to live in your own skin with yourself your thoughts, and that gets easier as you grow. So don’t worry much about this

  7. Like someone else said, these are more about appearing confident. Which I think there is a time and a place for.

    It’s not secret that it could be beneficial to come across at your workplace for example.

    But it isn’t anything to get hung up about.

    And doing those things might help you look more confident but that isn’t to say that not doing it makes you look weak. There’s a subtle difference.

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