For context, this situation is between myself (25M) and a lady (26F). We got introduced VIA a mutual friend roughly 10 days ago. Been messaging/texting daily since and set up something rather quickly, by all accounts I think it went well. She messaged me later that night saying thanks and wants to do something again to which I agreed. I’m heading out of town for roughly two weeks the day after posting this. I have no issue planning dates or taking the lead on things I simply just STINK at the “talking” stage. Would it be overkill if I let her know that I didn’t forget/am still interested but am simply away for a bit and want to meet up when I’m back? Not sure if it’s necessary but I’m a big believer that actions have to match your words. Any help appreciated !!

  1. Skip the “haven’t forgotten” comment. Just say that you’re traveling for about two weeks, but that you’d love to meet up with her when you’re back.

  2. I appreciate open communication, so as a girl I would want to know that “you are heading out of town, that you are thinking of me and wanted to let me know that you’ll be up for planning something when you’re back.” This isn’t too strong, and lets her know that you aren’t ghosting her…I think the unwritten rule is 3 days without comms is ghosting.

    As far as talking goes, one of the best things you can do to stand out is use voice memos. Texts have no tone or inflection, and can be misinterpreted. So, a call or voice memo if you are comfortable using them may help in future comms. I’ve recently gotten some positive feedback when I’ve used them on dating apps. Hope that helps!

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