This is going to be more so sex and the city type rant so read if you please, Advice is VERY VERY welcome. I’ve recently been seeing this guy, and to put it less than lightly-it’s strictly sexual. He’s a total hunk of meat but quite frankly I can’t stand his personality. Don’t worry I am not playing him- I am sure the feelings are very mutual. Something about me not liking him made me more excited for the “wow I can’t stand you but boy do I wanna jump your bones” sex. We’re both in college and I know he gets around so I expected him to be above average sexually. Foreplay-wise everything up to the act was amazing, he was clearly experienced and it made me look forward to when we would actually sleep together. Fast forward to when we actually got down to sleeping together, there was lots of foreplay. Mind you he is double my size and the situation downstairs is way above average. So foreplay is needed. Now here’s where I get graphic-Virgin’s cover your ears. So he puts it in- just the tip and he starts to make this god-awful face. Imagine this big six-foot-one Greek god-looking man, with his eyes squinted almost shut and his mouth opened as wide as possible in the shape of an oval. His mouth stretched so wide it was close to closing like an elevator door. Unluckily for me, IT DIDN’T. Now I get it- you can’t control your face when you are orgasming or when you are first putting it in. But when I tell you this man had the face on the ENTIRE time. I was almost like “What the fuck is his problem”, it was as if he were losing his virginity and orgasming over and over and over and over again. To make matters worse he was only thrusting the tip in and out, in and out. It almost felt uncomfortable? Every couple of thrusts he’d go in all the way and since he is VERY well endowed it would HURT! and since the man was treating going all the way as if it were some gift I would only get every couple of motions, I wasn’t able to get used to it. It was as if the Man writing his sexual coding pattern wrote it as this- REPEAT<ugly face>-TIP-TIP-TIP-TIP-BALLS DEEP-OUCH-TIP-TIP-TIP-BALLS DEEP- OUCH. At first, I thought to myself, “okay well maybe he’s just getting into the groove of it” but every time I painfully shakily opened my eyes. THERE WAS THAT FACE, I felt like I was in the movie ghost. Eventually, I wrapped myself around him to avoid having to look at that ghastly face any longer and took the pain until I couldn’t. By the grace of god himself, my alarm started going off for me to call the public storage company. I used this as an excuse to break myself free from these sexual chambers and said I had a quiz due in an hour. To top things off, as I was breaking free from the punishment of my absent father, he has the nerve to turn to me and go “I feel like we have really good sexual chemistry”. How are Men so so clueless. When I tell you I have never slid on my Tory Burch flip flops and swung that tethered depop bag over my shoulder faster. Now this isn’t just a rant to talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is because I find myself debating sleeping with him again. I know you are probably thinking “why on earth’s name would you wan’t to sleep with him again?”. Well for one, he is very very very easy on the eyes. And Two I am hoping maybe this was because it was our first time sleeping together. I can easily communicate what I wan’t physically but when I tell you-THAT FACE. Oh how that face haunts me. I mean how do you tell someone that you hate their sex face? Is there hope for our chiseled god? or is the fantasy of Greek mythology just going to have to remain a fantasy.-Thanks L

  1. Can you use paragraphs and add a TLDR?

    You might have the most insightful things to say, but not a lot of people will read a wall of text like this.

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