Men who had to fight their father/father figure, what was the reason? Do you regret it? What would you have changed?

  1. Dad taught me to box, so we’ve been sparring since I was eight. Sometimes it’s just exercise, and sometimes it’s a little more than that, but it’s never gotten too out of hand. Dude was a middleweight champion in the Navy, so I struggle to get my hits in even now that he’s 72.

  2. My father was never there at all. He simply started a new family and he puts 100% of his everything in there but he expects me to be there for him despite him offering absolutely nothing all my life. He expects me to visit him regularly and help him find a job. One day I was having a terrible day and he called to complain about me not calling him or visiting him and I just blew up like years of anger and negative feelings just got unleashed on him. We boycotted each other for 1 year after that call. I don’t feel any regrets about it

  3. my biological father had a long cane / rod thing he would beat me with, sometimes would use metal cords, yardsticks, etc, one day I hit him in the head as hard as I could, I view it as self defense, he viewed it as disrespect

  4. He was abusive to me and my mother. So once I was big enough and lost my fear I confronted him. And he folded like a lawn chair. And no I don’t regret it. Nor would I have changed anything. He created the situation, not me.

  5. Nothing. Self defense.

    If I could change ANYTHING I’d make my father less of a coward. He cowers at the first sign of equal resistance. It would’ve felt pretty damn good to smash his face in after all the beatings he’s given me. But no he’s too scared. Unlike him I won’t beat unprovoked.

  6. Don’t regret it, not in the slightest. My father had been a raging alcoholic for many years, he’d routinely scream at me and threaten me, eventually my fear of him turned into anger, our fights turned physical, usually split up by my mom & older sisters pretty quickly though. Until one night when they were not home, a physical fight started between us and I beat the ever living shit out of my dad. I did my gloating and chest beating like most 17 year old kids would, and he gets up stumbling around, grabs the fireplace poker, and attempts to stab me with it but completely missed and gave up. I packed my bags and left that night, my mother divorced him, and I only see him at thanksgivings.

  7. At 14 I got big enough, strong enough, and had done enough martial arts without his knowledge that there came a point where he tried to hit me as was the :norm” and we went to town on each other.

    I left home 4 days later with a broken jaw, broken ribs, broken hand, and black eyes.

    Never looked back. Don’t regret it. Wouldn’t have changed a thing.

  8. I had a strained relationship with my dad and on my 16th birthday we squared up in the backyard and I knocked him out cold. He came to, got up, left, came back with a six pack of Heineken. First time we ever had a beer together, and he started treating me more like a man after that, cried at my high school, undergrad, and boot camp graduations, and became my best friend.

  9. He got mean a couple of times when he wqs drunk. Once i pushed him over a nightstand when he got threatening where he hurt his leg, and another i pushed him through a glass door. A mean drunk and a hormonal teenager with strength is not a good combo. He never did anything after that

  10. I was 16 first time. I broke his thumb and I took a few lumps. Don’t regret but would rather it not happened the way it went down. It was very upsetting to my Mom.

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