Just saw a tv show where a woman shows up in a gorgeous, clearly-tailored dress and the dude she’s with, wearing a dapper tuxedo, says he’s happy he has an eye for dress sizes. If that’s not a superpower, I don’t know what is. The right lady would be eating out of the palm of your hand. What other dating superpowers does the media have you wishing for?

  1. No such thing.

    How successful someone is at dating comes down to how attractive they are, their social skills, level of experience dating and life circumstances.

    Being physically attractive or flashing wealth can get you in the door. The rest is up to your ability to read the other person and engage with them. Also check their checklist boxes if you are talking serious relationships.

    In my experience most women know within 5 minutes or less of meeting you if they are interested in even potentially sleeping with you. If on initial impressions they decide they are not its very unlikely you’ll turn that around.

  2. Probably knowing what to say, exactly when to say it, and exactly how to say it.

    Those 3 things rarely line up and if you’re getting the what and how to say it, you’re probably doing pretty well.

  3. What a Girl Wants

    I think that was the title of the movie, the ability to literally read women’s minds. If I wanted to start dating, that would do it for me.

  4. Same thing happened in *Casino Royale* when Vesper took James Bond’s measurements just by looking at him and got him a perfectly fitted tuxedo for the poker game.

    As for a dating superpower, it’d be cool to see women glowing in halos of light to indicate how interested they were in me. Green (hell yes), Yellow (sort of), Red (nah, not my type), and nothing (not sure yet – so it could change).

    Shit, at this point I’d settle for one light that shows if she’s single or not.

  5. There was this Nick Cage movie where he could see the future outcome of any scenario. That would certainly help with not putting my foot into my mouth.

  6. Just locking eyes with a random woman in a bar while sipping my drink and ending up in bed with her in the next scene.

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