I will try to keep this short.

My best friend of 17 years have been in a long term relationship for the past 2-3 years. However, she has cheated on her boyfriend multiple times the past 6 months. On sunday she told me that she and him have gone on a «break» (she wants to break up, but doesnt have the guts to fully do it, he doesn’t know about the cheating).

In march she had sex with a guy from my city (she was visiting, she lives 5 hours away), thats when I found out about her cheating and since then I have felt weird about her. Anyway, she kept complaining about this guy, how he flirted alot without her understanding why, and she overall gave me the impression that he was a creep, so i disliked him.

Fast forward till last week: me and this guy randomly started talking online, because all three of us was gaming together and my best friend had to leave for a couple of hours. Me and him really hit it off, and talked for the next days. I started to really want to meet him, so i asked my best friend and once again she reassured me that she didnt like him that way, it also felt a bit like i should be able to do whatever because she is in fact not single. We met last weekend, spent the entire weekend together, and we are together again this weekend. There is a real connection here, but i am losing my best friend.

Turns out, she actually really liked him, she lied to me (she had been flirting with him), and she lied to him (he had asked if she was okay with him meeting me and she said yes, also he didnt know about her boyfriend, but i have told him). Anyway, she is cold, distant, clearly upset, but i cant get anything out of her because instead of talking to me, she would rather ghost me nearly the entire day, only to send me one snapchat with a pic of her roof, and i understand enough to know it means That she is pissed.

Idk what to do here. I dont have many friends, i dont understand drama, i take it at face value when someone tells me something is okay or not, and i certainly trusted my best friend to be honest with me. She is like a sister to me, and suddenly i find out shes been lying and keeping things from me, and now she is ignoring me. I don’t understand the situation, i dont understand what i have done wrong or how to fix it. Advice?

  1. Do you really want to be friends with someone who cheats on their boyfriend and lies to you? Sounds like a narcissistic person. I wouldn’t worry to much about losing her

  2. Your best friend is indeed like a sister to you – like the evil step-sisters in about half the fairy tales that we tell our children so they can’t sleep at night. Don’t mourn the loss of your “friend”, it appears that you were just another one of her playthings. Keep the guy friend (for now at least) & see where things go.

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