What toxic male stereotype do you unfortunately fall under?

  1. Cannot cry Infront of others, terrible at expressing emotion. Don’t know if it’s a stereotype but very untrusting of people generally.

  2. That all men want is sex. But to be clear it’s only because heartbreak and a poor relationship with my mother makes it Very difficult to trust women. Not saying I don’t trust women in general, but the trust isn’t there to have a healthy romantic relationship, which I really Do want, I’d just rather get laid than go through another traumatic breakup.

  3. I had to look at several “toxic male” lists to find something. The only point that applies to me is not being a feminist ally.

  4. Oh, I use my intellect in the presence of women and like to call a spade a spade, which is why I am often called a misogynist 😁😁😁

  5. I lift heavy weights and I get sad when Liverpool has a loss. And im not going to change a single thing YNWA!

  6. Just found a “Top 10 Toxic Masculinity” behaviours list online. None of these things are binary. For example, does “not showing your emotions” mean that you literally never show your emotions or that you do it less than some arbitrary standard.

    The ones I suppose I’d display are being stoic, not displaying emotion, not being a feminist ally, and risk-taking.

    But it’s all on a spectrum right. I’m perfectly happy with my attitude to all of these things, and I’m not going to change because some clickbait journalists and online activists liable them “toxic.”

  7. I absolutely believe women should be valued for their appearance as sexual partners. Personality doesn’t tell us anything about the health of their bodies.

  8. Depends on what you call toxic, I checked on a list what they call ‘toxic’ wich most things i don’t see as toxic at all.

    Basically being a man makes you a toxic male 🤷

  9. I don’t take shit off people, and I’m not afraid of a confrontation to get my way.

  10. I’m not a touchy feely person. I’m blunt, to the point, and value my time more than most other things. Therefore, I can be very short with people in conversation and even interrupt them if they’re taking a long time to make a point. People have called me abrasive because of this and it was a source of contention early on in my relationship with my wife.

    We’ve worked through it and I’ve grown to treat her, or the rest of my family, in a much more balanced way but I suppose I can still be abrasive towards those not in my inner circle

  11. Fearful avoidant. I don’t do conflict.
    I won’t defend myself against a woman, they are to precious to me.

    I don’t date anymore. Don’t see the point in being unhappy for the rest of my life because basically everyone takes advantage and has no moral code..

    Unless I just attract the wrong people.

  12. I often feel, deep in my heart that not all men are rapist waiting for opportunity. Also, that not all men are monsters. That not all men are ignorant and completely incapable morons.

    Expressing that opinion has gotten me labeled a toxic misogynist more often than not.

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