I’ve tried to put on a condom maybe 15 times in my life, I’ve succeeded maybe 3 times. I’m 99.9% sure I am putting them on the right way however I just cannot get them to roll down, they always just stay just under the tip of my penis and will barely roll any further, I’ve tried wider ones and have the same issue, can anyone help?

  1. You’re putting them on backwards / inside-out. What you describe is exactly how a backwards condom would act.

    However, once you’ve attempted to put one on backwards, you have to toss it and get another one. This is because even precum can have live swimmers in it, and by first putting a condom on backwards you are potentially leaving swimmers all over the outside of the condom if you then put it on the right way.

    Study how a condom looks before putting it on, and try unrolling just a little bit first. That should help you avoid putting it on backwards before it’s too late.

  2. Also it’s important to know that condoms for bigger members adjust for girth, not length. If you’re finding it hard to roll down a condom, you might need to size up.

  3. Not every condom is shaped the same.

    A lot are just a tube, some have more a “bulbous” area at the end for the head, some taper wider, some are just wider tubes.

    Try a few and find what feels best. Lifestyle’s Skyn Elite Large is best for me.

  4. “Whoops, I dropped my monster condom, that I use for my magnum dong,” – Frank Reynolds

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