I don’t get bottles of Coke often but like, the first 3 times after they brought out those new attached lids, I thought the lid was just getting stuck to the other part like it sometimes does.

Then one day I noticed the extra bit and I felt like an idiot cave man oongaboonga-ing open the bottles.

Am I just stupid or did other people also not realise right away?

  1. I still do, I find them incredibly annoying and have always had the ability to put the lid in my recycling along with the bottle anyway.

    I don’t know who these people were who’d recycle the bottle but throw the lid into a canal.

  2. I realised, but I still rip them off. On the two litre bottles the cap will loosen otherwise and swing round while you’re pouring, spraying Coke everywhere.

  3. I still rip it off, it annoys me leaving it on.

    It’s not difficult to put it all in the recycling bin anyway.

  4. Last few bottles I’ve had didn’t have one, have they
    Been discontinued because it was a shit idea?

  5. Why are people still ripping it off? just put it to the side (not up or down) and drink, its out of the way and makes the recycling process easier.

  6. They’re the stupidest thing ever, I still rip it off straight away, who even separates the lid and bottle when recycling anyway? It is making solutions to problems that don’t exist

  7. I’ve done it before and will do it ∞ times because it’s an absolute fucking nuisance!

  8. Is that a thing now then? Not a fan of coke but I did see a young girl drink from a bottle with the lid still attached and just thought she was being a Muppet.

  9. Urgh, had one of those and it leaked all over my bag. The point of a lid is so you can drink some and put the lid back on it for later. But I find it so hard to get the angle right (maybe my dyspraxia) that it just ends up ruining everything so I end up buying a different drink!

  10. Never, it made sense from the outset what the point was.

    The fact that the tops are stuck to the bottle hasn’t ever really bothered me either, it is what it is… get on with it.

  11. Some guy with a private jet who only ever drinks Coke in glasses delivered by his manservant wants to show that they’re serious about improving recycling rates

  12. I still rip them off, not in anger but just because I prefer it that way. It can be a pain screwing the lid back on properly when its attached.

    My council doesn’t accept the lids for recycling anyway.

  13. I just thought they fucked up production the first couple of times, I really don’t see the point

  14. It’s amazing isn’t it- you stroll past a supermarket warehouse and see the kilos upon kilos of plastic used to transport goods being dumped straight in the landfill. We aren’t allowed to tell the supermarket bosses to come up with a better way- they have yachts they want to buy. But at least the plastic lids are attached now, a problem that never fucking existed.

  15. Up to 40% of the lids end up in landfill instead of being recycled with the rest of the bottle, this is why they’re now attached to the bottle.

  16. The first time I thought it was a manufacturing mistake. When it happened again I read the lid.

    It all looks like a waste of time – the cynic in me thinks it’s marginally cheaper to make the new lids, so they’ve dressed it up as a good thing.

  17. I wonder how many people lost their minds back in the day when they went from the ring pulls that came off to the way the cans open now where it stays on the can.

    I can’t remember people not coping with it and still ripping them off because it made them angry and unable to drink from the cans😅

  18. I still do, after the poor design caused me to accidentally cross the thread when putting it back on.
    I didn’t realise, threw it back in my bag and promptly soaked everything with coke zero.

  19. My solution is to drink Pepsi Max instead (which is far superior to Diet Coke/Coke Zero). They still have the ‘normal’ caps that come completely off.

  20. Yep still rip them off and only realised I wasn’t supposed to last week. The damn plastic spike things remaining after you unscrew the top are enough to not make me want to drink out of the bottle. So it has to go.

  21. Never.

    The first time I saw it it stuck me as a sensible idea, and I’ve just accepted it.

    It’s called being a grown up.

  22. I have to cut them off with scissors. I’m disabled and have awful pain in my joints, as well as hand tremors. It was difficult enough for me to get the old lids back on!

  23. Can’t believe how angry these lids are making people 🤣 you lot need to stop spending your money on bottles of pop and save it for some anger management sessions

  24. Don’t hate me, people, but I like the new lid thing. I drop things all the time so I like that it’s attached and safe!

  25. Still angrily rip it off cause its such a fucking stupid pointless design that gets in the way and makes it harder to put the cap back on.

  26. Milk bottles better not start doing this – I collect the lids to make water bowls for my baby tarantulas.

    Admittedly I now have around 50 lids and only 11 tarantulas… time to buy some spiders

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