I grew up in my dad’s hometown, so I went to the same high school as him, just twenty years apart.

  1. I did not. My brother did for his professional school. My other two siblings also did not for any of their education.

    I went to the same high school as my siblings and one family of cousins. It just wasn’t one where our parents went.

  2. Nope, but they weren’t far. I pitched a one-hit shutout against my mom’s old high school once, which was fun

  3. Sort of. My dad attended a school of the same name in the same city but by the time I attended a new building for the school had been built in a different location. So same name but completely different location/building.

  4. I went to the same college as my parents, but none of the schools I went to from elementary to high school even existed at the time when my parents were in school.

  5. No. Both of my parents went to a school 2 miles away from Milan Indiana high school (161 kids in high school in 1954) that was even smaller. My kids went to my school system/high school and my daughter went to the same college as I did.

  6. No, and I don’t think this happens much in my family. I’m aware of only one person in my extended family who attended the same school as their parent (for college).

  7. Same high school as my mom. They didn’t actually have middle schools here when she went, and I was on the wrong side of the deciding street for elementary.

    Weirder is that I literally had teachers that taught my mom. And she wasn’t particularly young when she had me. 27, actually. I had the same history teacher that started the year she did (he retired right after I graduated.)

    My sister had a math teacher and two English teachers that also taught her. Weird.

  8. Going to mostly depend if your parents moved from their hometown or not.

    In my case no, as both left their original States.

  9. Same city, but no. My parents went to Catholic school and I went to public.

    My sister and her husband live in my hoke town still, and their son does go to the same HS. As a bonus, my sister teaches there too.

  10. Nope. Dad was military and mom is Okinawan. I went to school in (1st) Massachusetts, (2nd) Hawaii, (3rd) Arizona, (4th) North Carolina, and (5th) California. And then he got stationed in Okinawa (6th thru 12th)… for 6 years and then He retired there.

    I loved back to the US at 20 and they followed a year later. Now my whole family (parents, sis and her husband, niece and her family, and even aunt and uncle) live in a state I chose and our family had no ties to (Alabama. My dad is a first generation American from Massachusetts via Quebec)

  11. I went to the same high school as one of my parents and both of my grandfathers. The other schools were all totally different.

  12. Went to the same HS as my mom. My mom was also a 2nd grade teacher, so I went to the school she was teaching at for 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.

  13. Went to the same college as my mom. She had me brainwashed from the start and I always knew that’s where I wanted to go!

  14. I didn’t grow up in the same town that either of my parents did, and neither of them grew up in the same towns their parents did.

  15. Nope. My dad dropped out of school in 6th grade and we didn’t live in the same area that my mom went to school. Neither of them went to college so no chance of going to the same one.

    As of now my kids won’t be going to any of the same schools that I did either unless they choose to go to my college when they are older.

  16. My parents and all my aunts and uncles were split between two rival school districts.

    I started out in the district most of them went to, and that my dad was a principal in/and my mom a teacher. They retired the year I moved up to high school. Around that time a massive shift happened both with high school administration and the superintendent’s office. Things nosedived fast. (The fact we couldn’t even get a science teacher in our HS was the least of the problems)

    So even though I lived outside the rival district, my parents pulled some strings and got me into that high school instead. I ended up graduating from the school my mom graduated from. …and where my dad initially started teaching before he became a principal.

    That district and the area special ed co-op ended up convincing both of my parents to get back into teaching. My mom went back, got another masters in gifted ed and ended up being the gifted Ed teacher for the district she graduated from/I was attending HS…and then they had her take over the other district’s gifted Ed program too. My dad went back and worked with at-risk students at the HS I attended. (In school suspension, kids other teachers couldn’t handle, and kids at risk of dropping out). So everything kind of came around full circle.

    I feel pretty lucky because the elementary and middle school at the first district were way stronger. And the high school at the second district was way stronger. So I got the best of both worlds. For the record, these were very small rural districts. Like, 30-50 kids in each grade.

    My own kid goes to school in a different region of the country. 🙂

    Edited to add: my parents taught multiple generations of quite a few families.

  17. I went to the same elementary and high schools as my dad (same campuses). I also went to the same middle school by name, but a newer campus in a different part of town (my older siblings went to the old campus).

    One of the buildings on the elementary school campus used to be the K-12 school, where my grandpa went.

  18. My mom, my niece and I all had the same 6th grade teacher.

    Edit: now that I think about it we had the same high school history teacher too.

  19. No. My dad went to high school in a neighboring school district, but not the same one. Other than that, they were in entirely different states.

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