So I have study hall tommorow and the way the class is set up you can play games if you have nothing else to do. I really want to ask this group of girls I like to play cards with me but I havent been able to work up the courage. Two of them I have a crush on and the other one doesnt seem to like me much, I’m not sure but she always seems to be giving me side eye and I just get that kind of vibe from her. The way the classroom is setup, theres a game cabinet behind their table. I really want to ask them but I dont know how I should phrase it, what to ask, whether to ask or grab the game first, how to overcome my nerves, what to do and say if they say no, and most importantly whether or not it would be weird to ask them since I’ve had class with them for a full year and dont really know them all that well. I already know I’m overthinking this, but any advice or answers to my questions to help me overcome my nerves is much welcomed ! It also might not help that I made one of them a card last year with my number on it, not in a romantic way but she still never texted me. I’m just always so scared of groups and what others will think when I talk to people because I’m so socially awkward and have no game.

  1. I feel that fear before asking someone something. Very annoying but just have like little steps how you’re going to do it and maybe your mind will slowly process and and eventually you’re going to end up asking them. And if they say no then that’s their loss for not getting to know you more you feel me

  2. Take a deep breath, don’t think, go to them with a uno deck and say “hey, wanna play a round of uno”? If they say “no”, then look for other people who seem free and ask them to play uno.

  3. “Round of uno, b*tches, lets go.”

    On a serious note, it is hard to provide solid feedback, without knowing a lot more information. Like, would they already be planning to play their own game? Do they just chill? Do you normally talk with them? Can you pass it off or would it stand out?

    Imma be honest, it is crazy you gave her your number tho. Even I would struggle with that, even if it was in a non romantic way. In a good way, in a good way.

    You clearly have enough balls. So, just take a breath and shoot your shot.

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