Men who have a very fit physique, do you really get more attention compared to when you weren’t as fit?

  1. As someone who went from being very fit to a giant fatty I can say for certain there is a difference.

  2. I used to be extremely fit, had washboard abs the whole works. Now I’m kind of dad bodish…only thing different is my confidence level. Don’t like getting shirtless as much. Confidence is sexy so naturally once that drops attention drops as well

  3. I’m not very fit anymore but a couple of years ago I was getting in really good shape and all I can say it makes it very different to get women. I’m chubby now and my partner thinks it’s for the best.

  4. Not super fit, but significantly more fit than most men my age. It really does make a difference, though I can confirm that my male friends care more in a non-sexual sense.

  5. 100% dont let anyone tell you otherwise. This is coming from a former scrawny guy who put on just a enough to fill out. Worlds of difference even in how women treat you with respect.

  6. Yes. I went from being overweight to very fit and back to fat again. It’s like I was invisible then suddenly a lot of attention and now back to invisible again. To a point where I feel ignored by people I know. I try not to take it personally but it is definitely noticeable

  7. Yes. From the second it was noticable some of my best female friends would bring it up, and that’s inspired me to keep going ever since.

  8. I was super fit, gained weight some what and stopped going to the gym (but managed one) and I felt like I got more woman after I stopped making the gym my life

  9. Got a decent face but had a skinny frame. Women just made eye-contact. Gained muscle and visible abs. Women now actively approach. Never thought it was even possible.

  10. I went from 300 lbs to 200 lbs and the difference was night and day in terms of quality and quantity of attention. It was kind of a hollow victory to find out that people were really treating me better because I was better looking. Like the whole idae of ‘looks dont matter’ went out the door with my exprience after losing weight.

  11. I’m a naturally big guy, often got asked if I lifted weights back when I didn’t even lift weight. I was dating a girl when I started lifting and went from 185 and 15% body fat to 215 at 10% body fat. She didn’t like it. It was the weirdest shit in the world. I don’t know if it was because she was worried that I was getting more attention from other girls, or some insecurity that she was dealing with…. When I started lifting I thought that she would love it, but it was the opposite. I had to break up with her for other reasons but wtf…

  12. Absolutely. More respect from other men and more sexual attraction from women. Used to be rather thin, put on 10s of pounds of muscle over the years. Vast difference in how I’m treated.

  13. When I was very fit I got at least 20x the attention as I did as a chubby teen and at least 5x what do as a slim 31 year old.

  14. I think in general this will get you more attention, regardless of gender.

    When I lost weight after high school and more even in college, I saw a significant difference in the number of men who approached me and were interested. Double-edged sword in a way bc it becomes very apparent just how much people care about appearance. But at the same time, I overall enjoyed the effect and tried to focus on that rather than that people are clearly very much into appearances.

  15. If ur fat/chubby and you go to being just regularly fit with no gut and filling out your shirt a little more you will see a significant difference in attention.

    However once your fit getting super ripped and shredded or jacked ain’t gonna make that much of a big difference. Yea u might get some chicks just for ur body but if ur a douche ur still a douche

  16. I think it is a double edged sword, first they will find you more attractive so they will be more interested in you and second you have probably gained a lot of confidence so you are more likely to not be awkward around them

  17. Yo foresure. It’s not even close. I was like mad skinny in highschool still got a lot of play but now? Shit it’s guaranteed everywhere I go a woman will approach me

  18. I’m married now but in high school I was an ugly duckling. I did get dates maybe 3 times a year. But when I got to college I started invested in myself gym was daily and 6 mile runs in the morning and before bed. First time in my life I had a 6 pack over time I found myself getting asked to dates and having to see multiple women at the same time. I’m not bragging I’m back to being pudgy and ugly again but I’m already married so I’m good. On a side note my wife says she should divorce me for false advertising since I put on 100 pounds since we met.

  19. Absolutely. In my early 20’s I was rolling around at 330lbs give or take a few depending on the day. Literally never got hit on, like ever. I heard “you’re a nice guy but….” soooo many times in my life. I got tired of seeing all my friends have girlfriends etc. I lost 105lbs in about a year and man did everything change. I actually had girls coming up to me and talking to me, giving me their numbers etc. It was night and day.

    edit-forgot to mention, when I was overweight, I asked out my friends girlfriends roommate and of course that didn’t go well. During that year I was losing the weight, she was studying abroad in England then Spain and I just never really saw her. After the weight was off, a whole group of us all went out and she was there, suddenly she was interested. Can’t blame her though, I was a big fat fatty

  20. shit the only thing you need to get attention is a slightly ok look, a wedding ring and kids lol.

  21. Yes. Spent most of my teens as pretty scrawny, was average for a bit after that. Then I’ve been practically living in the gym for the last few years – natural bodybuilding. I’m nothing special in my eyes but I have women actively approach me (particularly in a nightclub or something) which never happened previously.

  22. Yes.

    Started working out. Got jacked and noticed that women actually look at me and make eye contact. Before I was just another invisible loser single dude. But now I’m happily married, fat, and probably another invisible dude again. And that’s fine.

  23. Guys frequently make comments.

    Still invisible to women. Disclaimer: I’m 5’5.

  24. Yes. People who say dadbods are in are wrong. Women who say they aren’t into fit guys will frequently prove otherwise with their actions.

    Being fit doesn’t automatically make you attractive to women. You still need to have your bases covered, like being groomed, dressing well, and **ACTING CONFIDENT**. But if you have all that shit in order, being fit is like a hotness multiplier. I’m not going to act like I’m a 10/10 hunk now, but the amount of attention I get now is infinitely more than I got before I worked out.

    Every girl I’ve been remotely intimate with in the last few years has either felt up my muscles or outright complimented my body. Every situation I’ve been in where a girl had the opportunity to hit on one of my other friends but chose me, I can guarantee being fit helped.

  25. Yeah it literally has changed my life in every possible way. Mostly the mental confidence. Totally changed dating for me. I would highly recommend making it a top priority in your life to work on your body

  26. Absolutely. I’m not even “super fit” but I’ve lost 60+ lbs and put on some good muscle. Went from invisible to being stopped almost daily. Just by being in shape you are ahead of 95% of guys

  27. It has made a difference all my life, even if I gain or lose just 5lbs. And it’s not entirely just because it’s visible. Men have body image issues, too, and it affects our confidence. And, as they say, confidence is sexy.

    And then, especially as a short guy, I can’t _also_ be overly thin or people assume I’m a worthless little weakling or something. So I have to keep some muscle just so people see me as an equal or at least human. 😅

  28. Coming at this from a married man’s perspective…

    I am in better shape now, than I have ever been. Not quite in abs territory yet, but they’re close and the arm/back/shoulders/legs are coming along nicely.

    My wife has started making the comments how she doesn’t like it and I’m losing too much weight/working out too much.

    I think all women know guys with a fit physique get more attention and she knows it’s coming. Not for a second am I saying I would leave her, but I’m equally not reverting back just to appease her. I’ve made this change for me, no one else. If an unexpected upside is more women look at me in the street, or treat me with more respect, so be it. I’m still married and content with my choice.

  29. 57 yo. Absolutely. Was overweight. Now, 48 chest, 38 waist. High intensity powerlifter. Get touched a lot weird enough. Dudes just nod.

  30. Makes a huge impact. I’m a very short guy (1.60m) but go to the gym 6 times a week and watch what I eat. I think it makes all the difference. Girls usually say to my face “I don’t usually date short guys but…” So yeah. Hit the gym bros!

  31. Personal experience…abso-fukin-lutely .. you don’t even need “very fit” you just need “I care about myself” levels of physique to notice a change.. no brag, but I notice women looking at me frequently. Tipsy women at the bar approach me occasionally. If I dress too nicely I get uncomfortable with the level of attention I get. I didn’t have looks in the past to rely on so I developed a very high level of charisma and I’m pretty much just dangerously attractive..fucked up thing is I’m still a fat kid with social anxiety on the inside.

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