I’m about to finish my first week in college, so it’s still a time when people are trying to make new friends. There’s a girl in my intro class for my major that I sat next to in my previous lecture. We didn’t talk much aside from one of the example problems the professor had us do. She seems pretty smart and nice, so I want to try to become friends with her. At least based on the past two lectures, people haven’t been sitting in the same seat (I know it’s not required, I had just heard that people tend to do it anyway), so it makes me feel like if I continue to sit next to her when there are other open seats, she’ll think I’m interested in her romantically. She hasn’t really socialized much in the class except during group activities/work which I find myself often doing the same thing (idk if this matters, but I included it just in case). I know a lot of people recommend talking about notes or about upcoming exams, but there’s no exams and not really any actual notes since it’s more hands on. The professor mentioned in the syllabus that she encourages studying and working on homework together, but I feel like that’d be strange to ask someone after only 2 lectures. I have made friends with some other guys so far, so it’s not like I just struggle at making friends in general. What would be the best way to approach this?

  1. Say “want to be friends?” In a goofy kinda way so you can play it off as a joke ifs she’s like “no”. If that doesn’t work sit somewhere else the next class. High risk high reward. Good luck

  2. Speaking from my own personal experience as a girl in college, having someone even somewhat familiar to sit with in a class/lecture is nice, and I personally wouldn’t mind it. Don’t be afraid to just talk and joke around too! Chances are she might be a little shy at first. If you’re struggling with small talk outside of the lecture content, just ask her about her class schedule, give some follow up on what yours is like, what professors you have, homework/classwork or something happening around campus, etc (campus food is a good hot topic lol)! It’s what I have been doing during my first week of college and it’s an easy conversation starter that feels natural. The more you talk, the better you will be able to gauge her comfort. Worst case scenario, she will move seats or say something to you and you just move on.

    sorry for such a long winded response but i 100% get where you’re coming from!! everyone’s feeling the same way in some form!

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