The title says it all, but wtf is wrong with me (47m). We have an argument, it comes out that I was right (only 25% of the time) and instead of acknowledging that my argument made sense and she’s (46f) sorry to have being so condescinding, she just sends me a couple of pics of her boobs…and I’m like you are gorgeous, and I love you, and can’t wait to see you….after 21 years of marriage, i still fall for it….why?

  1. Lol this is great! I really wishhhhh something so small would work on my husband/: pretty sure that would set him off

  2. If she’s using nudes to end arguments without actually resolving them, I think that’s a bit manipulative. Does it bother you?

  3. She’s using the oldest trick in the book to manipulate you. Next time she does it, don’t reply and instead tell her you want to talk about how you feel.

  4. > instead of acknowledging that my argument

    this is how she acknowledges it, no reason to question anything just enjoy the nudes!

  5. Lol, my wife actually does something pretty similar. She’ll do a cute little voice, like “ I’m sorry. Are you mad at me?” While pulling her dress down. Works every time, lol. I love her so much

  6. But you know it IS an ‘I’m sorry’…. Right? You do know that… Also if you’d rather I just argue with her for you, I’m up for it. 🙂

  7. As others have said, if that is her way of apologizing, then fine. If that is her “get out of jail” free card without having to actually solve the issue at the root of the argument, that is a problem.

  8. She does it cause it makes you happy. It’s her way of apologizing to you. I think it’s super sweet. Almost at 20 years myself 😊

  9. If it works for you it works I guess, I’d hate this though (even as a man who loves my fiancee’s boobs). If we have a disagreement and I’m in the right, I’d like to come out of it knowing that she understands my point of view at the least. Getting sent nudes just feels like she’d be telling me “here, enjoy these and get over it.”

    Maybe I’m applying how it would feel to me if my fiancee did that to your situation and it’s not an accurate comparison. I’d think that after 21 years, you likely know whether that is her way of saying “sorry, I understand your point,” or if it’s her way of saying “shut up about it already.”

  10. See, boobs are great, but I find her refusal to acknowledge that she was wrong and take accountability to be troubling. It’s like she’s dodging it and while it’s effective because, again, boobs are great, she’s not addressing the fact she fought tooth and nail.

    Flip the script and you send her a dick picture instead of saying you’re sorry. I don’t think she’d be thrilled.

  11. When my wife and I are in a smaller disagreement, she does the same in person. Things such as “it’s your turn to cook because I cooked yesterday” etc.

    The way I see it, I will happily be wrong all the time in these situations if I get to see her titty. At the end of the day, small disagreements like that are not enough to change how I feel about her…and her titties.

  12. I do this or sit on his face. Depending on how wrong I am. 28 years later and we have never really been the ‘stay mad’ type.

  13. I can’t stand people who can’t apologize.

    Just reframe the situation. She’s rewarding you for being right.

  14. Do you care? Does it matter to you?

    If the thing you’re arguing about really matters then let her know you don’t like this. You want her to take accountability without deflecting by using boob pics. This prideful act is cringe.

    If the thing you’re arguing isn’t a big deal, then laugh it off.

    You have to be honest about if this matters to you, when it matters, and how much.

  15. Because you love your wife, the same way I wish as an adult my dad would have loved my mom instead of stepping out on her.

  16. Dude that’s toxic, idgaf what these comments are saying. That’s like my parents, when my mom was wrong she would cook for me, and when my dad was wrong he would buy me something. But all I ever wanted was just a fucking I’m sorry. That could be actual narcissism in your wife, maybe it’s pride, I dunno yall well enough to know all that, but definitely talk about it, because I don’t think that can realistically continue indefinitely until one of you blows up…..probably you lol. You already feel conflicted, deep down in your gut you know it’s fucked up, how you gonna handle it dude. Life is to short to not be happy, I’m not gonna give the typical reddit advice of just break up with her yet, not enough information for that anyway, but take a good, rational, introspective look at the whole thing buddy, because if you’re on here asking the internet for advice something is obviously already wrong…..good luck dude

  17. Just showed my wife this and she’s going to try it for our next argument…
    So I owe you a debt that can never be repaid

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