A guy I’m planning to meet later today has expressed his interest in eating me out for a long time when it comes to it.

I like to keep my public hair neat and tidy and have had it completely bare there before and quite liked it that way, just a bit of a pain to maintain!

My question really is, the less hair the better? I’m guessing it probably does get in the way and potentially make for a pretty bad texture to have your mouth around for a while. I would really hate to irritate his skin too.

I’m more than happy to get rid of it all.

Edit: Slightly unrelated but he is also very well hung + thick down there, I was wondering if shaved hair would be a bit too prickly on the outsides of my vagina for him and cause some irritation?

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  2. Ask him.. nothing wrong with communicating as he has already shared his plan. Different guys have different preferences. As someone who does go down for long time myself, i do prefer it clean. But never felt bad as long as the female kept neat and tidy either

  3. First time my husband went down on me I hadn’t trimmed because I wasn’t really expecting action down there. He didn’t mind one bit. He’s a bush guy though. In the winter I let it all go and I trim in the summer for practicality of wearing bathing suits, sleeveless, shorts etc.

    I think every husband should see his wife with hairy pits, legs and bush at least once in his life. And winter is a good time to grow a little fur nobody else is gonna see (and trust me, doctors don’t care). It’s fun to be wild.

  4. A whole lot of bush can make performing oral more difficult. And completely bare does open up some fun when it comes to playing with and teasing the vulva area. But I’ve never had any issues performing oral when the woman has had a well maintained trim. I would recommend doing what you’re most comfortable with.

  5. Really it’s a preference thing. Like my wife before the pandemic used to get waxed. But after the pandemic hit she stopped. Which was fine I didn’t mind the hair. I’d get the occasional hair in the throat but wasn’t really a big deal either way

  6. That’s purely individual, some like a bush, some like trimmed, some like bald.

    You have to ask him what he prefers.

  7. I prefer completely shaved and smooth. Allows my whole face to slide all over. I give better head that way. If there is hair or stubble can irritate my face or be painful. Just not as enjoyable for me.

  8. Idgaf if there is full bush, I’ll still go down for a long time. I have a beard so I’m used to my face being surrounded by hair

  9. No, it entirely depends on what the guy likes. Some guys LOVE a huge bush and want to get their face in your hair. Some prefer bald, some prefer trimmed and tidy. We cannot know the personal preferences of your mystery man

  10. Completely bare is easier to go down on for a long time, hair always gets in the way in so many ways. imo

  11. It’s alright either way. If you get rid of it all, make sure he doesn’t have any recent beard stubble, that could irritate you big time.

  12. For me, a little hair isn’t a problem. Completely shaved is slightly better because there’s no chance any hair comes off in my mouth, but the difference is negligible.

  13. My wife used to have it waxed and she said it was a pain. Literally. She went with the Brazilian laser treatment. She loves it.

  14. You should do what makes you feel sexy. It’s the partner who should adopt to your preference.

  15. I think leave it trimmed and if he has a preference, he can let you know. Personally, I trim and I have never had any complaints, across many experiences (male and female). My boyfriend loves going down on me and often does for long stretches at a time – hair doesn’t get in the way. Humans have had pubic hair for as long as mouths have been on genitals, long before the last ~20 years when it’s been popular to remove it, so I wouldn’t worry too much.

  16. I really like going down, everybody will have their preference, but here’s mine. As long as stuff is well maintained, I’m good but I prefer neatly trimmed. Shaved, reflecting on the time or two I totally shaved my junk, is too much work, too uncomfortable growing back in, and in my experience made being sweaty even more uncomfortable. I’m not asking a partner to do all that for ease of pussy eating.

    Untrimmed can definitely get problematic, just logistically (I’d rather be doing other stuff with my hands than bushtaming), and nothing takes you out of the moment quite like the hacking cough of a pube lodged in your throat.

    If you already like to shave, go to town, but that’s my two cents. Worth mentioning, both myself and partners I’ve had, i feel like I get funky faster when I totally shave.

  17. Personally I enjoy ladies with bush, but if I’m going down on her for a while a little less hair means a bit easier access. Doesn’t need to be fully shaven but a little trim is good

  18. I enjoy eating hairy pussies. My ex had a virtual jungle down there most of the time and I loved feeling the soft hair against my face. Sure, I got the occasional hair in my mouth but I would just pull it out and get back to it. Maybe it’s not everybody’s thing but I love it. Soft hair everywhere is a million times better than razor stubble.

  19. As a guy, either trimmed or shaved is fine. Long pubes just means constantly pulling hairs out of your mouth and kinda takes away from the experience for both of you.

  20. If it already fairly trimmed, just leave it.

    Fresh shave is good, but after a day that fresh shave may be sharp.

  21. I would rather have it trimmed than stubbly.

    The hair doesn’t really get in the way if it’s trimmed.

  22. Obviously it’s a preference thing. But let’s be honest, if the job is licking the vulva skin, you don’t want hair interfering in it.
    I don’t care if the girl is hairless or hairy, but I don’t want to lick hair. Hair in the moms pubis is perfectly ok.

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