Men, what’s stressing you out the most right now?

  1. Work…. my back….. the fact the car is making a tiny different noise around turns & I’ve checked 15 different things it could be

  2. I work for a small firm and the owner keeps going on benders and hasn’t paid me in six weeks

  3. The fact that my mom needs memory care, which is hella-expensive and she won’t be able to stay where she’s at for very long and will have to come live with me. And I’ll have to completely rearrange my life to accommodate hers.

  4. I can’t decide what’s stressing me the most right now.

    Either it’s the work I have to do at home because every time I try to start it something happens that delays it (like today when my rechargeable hand drill broke).

    Or the situation with a girl in my life, she pretty much screwed it up completly by stabbing me in my biggest emotional wound i have and that’s why I ended the friendship (she was the person I trusted the most in my life). The problem is that a part of me still wants her to be in my life, but I know it would only end up hurting me.

    Or the situation with women in general: why do I get hurt every time I let one into my life? Even if we’re just friends

    oh and the company i work for is being sold and no one knows what will happen to the workers so i might be unemployed soon

  5. The economy making sustainable living a thing of the past.

    Housinhg? Overpriced.

    Food? Overpriced.

    Wages? Stagnant.

    Education? Overpriced and predatory.

  6. America’s slow but steady slide into fascism. Also personal debt and health of family members.

  7. Dont know what to do with all this money. Trying to split everything down the middle with my ex wife, when everything we own was paid or inherited by me.

  8. Just restarted my job search, I can’t wait to get out of my current role; but last time I did 2 dozen interviews and got ghosted every time.

  9. Finding someone. High school was a cesspool, but I’m only taking night classes for college thanks to work. Everyone there is either 30 or a sex offender

  10. Collapsing physical and mental health in the face of a future I don’t have a place in. So, a mix of health anxiety and existential dread.

  11. Searching for a better job… shits brutal. I keep fumbling the interviews and I don’t know why.

  12. *”Men, what’s stressing you out the most right now?”*

    Realizing how often this question is asked here and knowing how many more times it’ll be asked before the end of the year.

  13. College, money, medical. You know basically everything except food i at least got that squared away.

  14. I’ve got knee surgery coming up soon which I’m told will be a year of recovery and my job is physical so I’m shitting myself about my ability to earn money during this time. I found office jobs super stressful in the past so don’t know if I can go back there again.

    Also the cost of living crisis has made me a hermit living at home to save money and I feel like shit for not getting much human contact.

  15. Knowing that the world my nephews and nieces grow up in is going to be so much different and so much worse than the world I grew up in.

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