This is the one thing with sex that makes me nervous.

The one and only thing Ive pretty much avoided due to being self conscious, to worried about getting it wrong, being unfit, it goes on.

The guy I’m seeing has mentioned me riding a few times. I’ve expressed my worries and he’s said when I’m ready.

Any advice on how to relax a little?
Guys, if you know a girl is inexperienced with this, what’s your thoughts when she gets ontop of you? Slightly worried I’m going to be judged and make myself look like an idiot.

Is this going to be something I just need to practice at?

  1. First rule is to take command.. dont worry it wont break. If you are riding you should be one to build the momentum and take control

  2. Let him know you’re inexperienced with this. Ask him what feels good. Mostly you can just grind once it’s in and it feels pretty good for both parties. Just be careful if you start “bouncing”. Get the angle wrong and you’ll bend his dick in half. It does not feel good. Start that one a bit slower until you get the angle right.

  3. Funny: I have never given my partners a choice. When I am on top I wrap my arms and legs around them and roll over fast……voila, they are on top.

  4. Don’t worry about it. That is one thing that is hard to get wrong. The visual and the feel for your guy will be fantastic. What you may enjoy most is the chance for nice deep penetration and your ability to control the action to your satisfaction. There may be some guy, somewhere, that thinks you look like an idiot but that’s the same guy that has to rent his braincells. Only an idiot would object. Go for it, you’ll love the feeling.

  5. You take the lead and don’t worry about being self conscious at all. I promise he will appreciate it and just be confident and go slow at first. Grind forward and back and make little circles. Chances are it will drive him crazy and if y’all have done you on top yet he may cum from the excitement.

    Just go with the flow and have fun with it. No reason to be self conscious with your sexual partner they will enjoy you for you.

  6. Cowgirl is the position in which women are the most likely to orgasm (on average among the general population), closely followed by missionary.

    The reason is in both cases the two partners are face to face, blood flow to the clitoris is optimal, and there is more pressure on the clitoris during penetration. In the case of cow girl you get more control yourself over that pressure and rubbing. The rubbing on the mons pubis is very effective, and you don’t have to keep bouncing up and down.

    That’s also how missionary works best. Not with in and out thrusting, but with the penis staying inside while the man’s hips’ movement rubs the clitoris.

    An approach also known as the Coital Alignment Technique (CAT).

    [Coital Alignment](

  7. Just let him move you in the way that he’s wanting to until you get the hang of it. He can do that by grabbing your hips. Takes less concentration on your part so you can also just enjoy the moment.

  8. Ok. So I always did it up and down so i had to lift my own weight and it was tiring and I could never quite finish so I switched it up. I get on top of him then slowly come down so my butt is lower to the bed. My legs are on each side of him and I’m using my hands/arms to hold me up as well. I usually hold on to his legs for better support, just make sure you’re grabbing a good spot. Then instead of going up and down, or just grinding on top of him, I sway in and out, so to go in I rock my hips forward touching his groin and out back towards his legs. By his reaction I could tell he was in awe of this new thing I did. I’ve only done twice but I lasted from beginning to the end rocking him the whole time, and nothing was tired, and I had amazing orgasms because I can still grind on him.

  9. My experience is that when a woman rides a man, she is on top, but not necessarily in control. Riding a man is not like riding a horse. You are not trying to do a barrel race or anything. You should be trying to give yourself pleasure. And if your man is worth riding, he should be trying to give you pleasure.

    Once you get into position you should stop worrying about whether you are doing it right or wrong. Just make sure that you are feeling pleasure. At that point his pleasure is his responsibility, not yours.

  10. you never have to feel ashamed! The man is very excited to see when we are on top, but it is one of the best things you can do for both of you but especially for yourself, since you could have several orgasms guaranteed. Leave the shame and do it

  11. Take an intro bellydancing class and get used to the feeling of controlling all the muscles involved in undulating. It’ll help with riding tremendously.

  12. I used to be nervous too. My boyfriend at the time helped by moving my hips with his hands in the motion that felt good for him (also felt good for me). Sometimes it’s more of a grinding motion than an in and out motion. I also recommend doing it while your guy is sitting upright, like on the couch or something. That’s my favorite and really good for climaxing. Don’t worry about looking dumb tho. Just you being on top is going to be so sexy to him.

  13. Honestly, just climb aboard, find a fit that’s perfect for you, move how YOU want (trust me guys wanna see YOU having fun), and get wayyyy lost in it. The more you just go for it as in get off, the more they love it. And most guys will do the thrusting for you if you get too tired.
    Try kneeling with one leg and have one leg up so you’re supporting that leg with your foot.
    Genius move 👏 and give you more control too.

  14. Just do it and learn as you go. My girlfriend started by slowly moving her hips back and forth while I touched her tits or played with her nipples. Over time, we got more in sync. It takes practice. By our third time, she was bouncing more and actually orgasmed from riding for the first time. And now, she’s a pro. If you feel like it isn’t going well, just lean forward. That gives him the opportunity to grab your ass and start pounding you without any work on your part

  15. For training wheels (or even extra ambiance) get you some good music to keep time with. I recommend the general cock rock genre (80s, “hair bands”) but the number one song I gift to you is AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long. Now that’s one of V’s patented sex tips. Go forth and have great sex.

  16. Honestly just go with the flow, ride him by thrusting backwards and forwards
    Let me know how it goes x

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