I (23f) meet a guy through dating app. I have dated him for about 6th week. Date went well, we’ve 3 dates so far and have planned to do more in the coming weeks. first date we didnt do anything, 2nd date we kissed, and 3rd date we had sex. After 1st date I told him I would like to unmatch him on a dating app because I was about to delete my account. He said he was cool with it, he was planning to delete the dating app (he didnt delete his account tho). The fact is he does delete all his dating apps from his phone, he showed to me on 3rd date. After our 3rd date (after sex exactly), a few days after the guy asked me “what are we? are we in an official relationship or still get to know each other?”. I was confused because no guys every asked me such question, usually guys that I dated before asked explicit “do you want to be my gf?”. Is there any differences when a guy ask for DTR or directly to be a gf? and if a guy asked to DTR is it about the decision of both sides, or is he the one who asked me out?

  1. Id say it not that deep. Idk him but it might be a situation where he just wants you to make the decision without pigeonholing you with the direct question. ((At least thats what id think))

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