How big of a deal breaker is hair loss?

  1. Not at all to me. The hair loss itself has never mattered to me. My first spouse was already balding when we started dating and he was only around 18 at the time. His hair loss never bothered me, but I’d be lying if I said I liked the “friar tuck” hairstyle he ended up with because his insecurities about just trimming it close were too strong. My current spouse was already bald/shaved/tightly trimmed when we started dating when he was 34 and we’ve been happily married for more than 17 years now. I’ve dated people with long flowing locks to people who were totally bald. Fine by me.

  2. Good hair is one of the most attractive things to me, so wouldn’t start dating someone new with significant hair loss that they didn’t actively do anything about.

    If an existing partner started losing hair, it wouldn’t matter. There are a lot of things that’d be dealbreakers with a stranger, but wouldn’t make a difference in anything with someone who’d been a part of my life for years and who I loved, and hair loss is one of them.

  3. It depends on how it’s dealt with. If the remaining hair is kept neat then it’s fine. If there’s a combover or a toupee, it’s not so fine.

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