This guys I’ve been dating for 3 months has been very very very sweet and supportive with me and everything and I just scrolled once on his tik tok following and he was following like 2 pornstars before my account keep in mind we started dating after he followed me on TikTok and there was nothing after but I didn’t even have to scroll far to see is and I was just curious I wasn’t trying to control who he follows or anything because I genuinely don’t give a shit, but he got mad at me for looking at his following even though I was upset he had those girls followed because when you go to your following feed it’s going to pop up and now he won’t respond to me am I in the wrong?

  1. Bro handed the phone to you unlocked, if he wanted privacy in that phone he shouldn’t have done that imo. At any rate if he keeps acting like a kid about it and not talking to you that’s a red flag

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