Since my partner started working a job that gets him home between 9-11pm, all we do is watch TV in the evening as everything we used to do involved being out the house. Feel stuck in a rut now that it’s become routine and it’s just boring.

What do you do at home that’s not sat around watching TV til bedtime?

  1. We game a lot, either together or on our different games in companionable silence. It’s still relaxing but it’s a bit more fun and interactive than watching tv.

  2. She watches her programs on the big TV.

    I stream my programs on my phone.

    We bicker over who has to make this cup of tea.

    At about 10pm, we choose a film and sit together and watch it.

    Oh, and we shout at the dog who has recently discovered the joys of licking his own balls. (Make the most of it buddy, they’re coming off next month)

  3. Try a no phone or tv night,make dinner ,set the table ,go for a walk and talk to each other.

  4. I wasn’t aware there was anything else to do with your SO on a typical weeknight. Comfortably average sounds alright in my books.

  5. Put our kid to bed at 7pm and finish cooking and then sit down to eat – usually finish eating by 7:45. Then we tidy the lounge and make it all cosy, put some music on (the fire too if it’s cold) and then either: play video games, read books, watch a show or movie we like, talk and drink lots and lots of tea.

    It’s not exciting but it’s our jam.

    We’ve never had a proper tv though, it’s just a screen plugged into the wall that we use to cast shows and movies onto from our phones so we never have like ‘background tv’ on.

  6. Cook dinner, walk that dog, watch TV. Perfectly happy with that. The one stipulation on the TV is that we try to avoid what we call ‘coma tv’. That’s shows that just wash over us because they’re unengaging or we’ve seen them too much. Shows that we just half watch while flicking on our phone. Shows that leave us just feeling like zombies.

    We try to make sure we’re actively watching. Something engaging, ideally new, and which we properly watch rather than being on our phones.

  7. We usually watch TV too. This week I was feeling a bit off so we sat together reading which was really nice. Earlier in the week, he watched a film whilst I read. We sometimes play board games as well, although the current campaign is proving to be a challenge. Sometimes, I crochet whilst we watch TV too. I’d like to read more but I know he enjoys shared activities

  8. Interested in this.

    I work 0830-1700, mostly from home. Wife is a carer, so has no such luxury, and gets home about 10pm.

    I have expressed my concerns about this arrangement, as sometimes I just can’t wait to have dinner together, so have to eat without her. And the times I do have dinner with her at 1030pm is about the most time we spend together lately. She also works alternate weekends, so that’s half of my “free days” knocked out too.

    I couldn’t do her job. And she couldn’t do mine. So this is kind of what we’re stuck with for now.

  9. We take it in turns to bath and put little one to sleep, then we enjoy some peace and quiet!

    Wife normally watches her crap on telly and I play games on the pc, with chatting inbetween

  10. Watch TV, bitch about work, chat. There’s not much else to do in the evenings, we do more on days off as we actually have more time together

  11. We’re developing a video game together! It’s a lot of work but we dedicate the majority of our ‘downtime’ to it, otherwise we watch YouTube, play video games or chat with our Discord server.

  12. Kids go to bed by about 8, do chores and feed baby all evening and then have our tired catch up for the day around ten, maybe watch something but mostly chores and chat, otherwise we miss each other!

  13. She watches her shows downstairs, I game or watch my shows upstairs. W make each other drinks, bring each other snacks, both shout at the dog. Must work. We’ve been married nearly 30 years.

  14. We never watch tv, just not something we do, i know we are weird. We tend to walk the dog, potter about in garden doing odd jobs, quite often we play beat saber.

  15. Me? Play Call of Duty with the lads. My SO? Normally used for lateral movement, crouching, reloading, switching weapons, throwing grenades and pulling the trigger. Then after that she sexually satisfies me and I go to sleep.

  16. We sit miserably asking each other why we can’t think of anything to do in the evening. Bookmarking this post in the hope we can get some ideas.

  17. We got proper stuck I’m a rut too.

    I’d do dinner at 5.30, we’d get our comfies on and watch the same programmes on TV.

    He’s just started working shifts for ambulance services so here I am, watching Pitch perfect 3 (I’ve watched the other 2 during the week) drinking lots of wine and living my best life.

    We did try and make some sort of effort lile no phones )I’d sit and scroll for hours) so we pop out for a walk, nip to the pub or play a game.

    It’s hard when you’ve been together 18 years

  18. Watching the glowing screen in the corner is one option, we also play backgammon, and do crosswords together.

    I’ve recently started upcycling small pieces of furniture , however when I’m getting home at 8pm I’m not always in the mood for this or the light isn’t good enough.(yes I need to get some better lighting).

    One thing that I do know , after working odd hours in the hospitality industry, is if you don’t make time every day or so and at least every7 days to have some quality time together, you will put strain on your relationship.
    Living in the same house as someone is not the same as “living with” someone.

    It sounds like your relationship is moving into the “in the same house” style of relationship.

  19. One puts the kid to bed while the other tidies / cooks. Then we eat dinner on the sofa watching whichever superb quality drama we’re working our way through. Cup of tea after food and then I usually get a foot rub. Heaven.

  20. Practice guitar, practice the languages we’re learning, go to the gym, read a book, plan future trips I want to take, cook new meals/bake desserts, tidy/reorganise things, draw, watch YouTube videos I’ve saved on interesting topics or recipes (got about 3k). I’ve not actually watched TV in weeks, we don’t have an aerial so all we use it for is Disney+ and his PS5 and we tend to watch one show at a time, an episode a night until it’s complete – haven’t done so in about 2 months. There’s a load of stuff do if you find new hobbies that interest you.

    Edit: sometimes I crochet or make jewellery but haven’t done that for a bit.

  21. I play games or scroll on my iPad. I often have a cat sleeping on my lap.

    My husband watches sports on TV with me or plays on his PC in his studio room. He often has a cat sleeping on his hi-fi stack next to him or sleeping elsewhere when he is in his room.

    One cat is currently on my lap, the other still wants to be outside so my husband has no cat with him at this moment. But that could change at any moment because I want to go and get a cup of coffee, which means the cat on my lap will get turfed off.

  22. There’s some fantastic board and card games, we love Pandemic, Plague Inc, villainous, Skyjo, Fluxx, exploding kittens etc
    ETA or play things like mario cart and super smash bros on the wii

  23. I drink whisky. She drinks tea. I usually manage to get to sleep before she starts snoring and we start again the next day.

    Personal interests are really important too though, it’s important to follow some things independently too, as long as it doesn’t degrade your relationship. I skate, run, code, make things in my workshop, while she goes drinking with local reprobates. Potato/Potartoe.

  24. All this comments sounds so interesting. I can’t wait for the day I have someone who I can do these things with.

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