Hey good folks! As a Canadian I routinely enjoy my US peers poking each other in a fun way (it’s a remote work environment on zoom). My fav is Yankees vs Southerners arguments on literally everything under the sun ☀️ What’s your favourite lighthearted fun thing? What fun things one can say to someone from a specific state?

  1. Of course we all enjoy it – I’m just trying to enrich my knowledge because these are the things they don’t exactly teach in college 😂

  2. In Iowa, you can stand on your porch and watch your dog run away for 3 days.

    Nebraska is where fun goes to die.

    Wisconsin is for cannibals.

    North Dakota is the storage state.

    South Dakota is where North Dakotans have their winter home.

  3. College football is a vast source of good natured teasing. I play poker and gently harass anyone at the table for wearing the wrong logos. With most people they will harass back and then we wish each other’s teams good luck.

  4. How New Hampshire and Vermont are split personality twins.

    -New Hampshire is fat at the bottom and skinny up top while Vermont is the opposite.

    -Vermont is “eco-liberal”, New Hampshire is more “eco-conservative-libertarian”

    -Vermont has high taxes for a US state, New Hampshire has almost zero besides very hefty property taxes

    -We both have beautiful mountains, lakes, and general scenery, but our mountains are bigger, more dangerous, and we have an actual coastline, albeit a bit tiny.

    -New Hampshire actually has some size-able cities and a suburban feel to a lot of the state, Vermont doesn’t really have that at all.

    -They have weed and we have state liquor stores.

    Vermont is the best though and we are yin and Yang together, kind of a package deal

    It’s also a bit like Switzerland and Austria for a comparison, one is a bit more business oriented and conservative, while the other one is a bit slower and more “bohemian.”

  5. You want to have fun? With your southern colleagues in the Zoom , drop a “Roll Tide!” The fun will begin. 😆 The entire SEC loves their Daddy.

  6. I’m a St Louis Cardinals fan who lives within walking distance of Wrigley Field. I can talk shit with Cubs fans all day long. This is one of my favorite things about baseball; football fans take their teams way too seriously.

  7. You know how they know the toothbrush was invented in Arkansas?

    If it had been anywhere else they’d have called it a teethbrush.

  8. Who makes the best pizza. For example, Chicago-style pizza is in fact not pizza. It is casserole.

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