Including everything – taxes, general maintenance, tires, gas…

  1. With or without a car note?

    Cause I pay around $350 annually for the taxes on the tag, and around $20/month for the electricity to power it. My car payment is around $5500/year.

    My last vehicle I was spending $40/month on oil changes, $350/month on gas, $25/year on tag/taxes, and then maintenance was….well it wasn’t cheap. When I spent over $5000 a year on it I decided next time it broke down I’d just get a new car

  2. Now it’s that it’s paid off it’s about 1100 for insurance and registration. Gas I have no idea. Usually only need one oil change a year so 40 for that. It hasn’t needed any repairs other than a batter ant that was 80. So 1220 total.

  3. Insurance 1200, Registration 155, Vehicle Sticker 20, Gas I fill up once a month or less so 480 but it was double when I was commuting to work, Oil Change 120, Tires 450 but that’s not every year. Total around 2000/yr.

  4. I bought my car new in 21. Idk how much I spend on gas. It gets around 27 mpg. Oil changes 1-2x a year, my bf does it so just whatever the oil costs, like $20? Insurance around $1k a year, car tax $500. Haven’t needed tires yet, no issues requiring repair on the car. Payments on the car (financed) $3,500 a year, interest rate is like absurdly low so it’s almost all principal. Sooooo that’s 5k a year plus whatever I spend on gas.

  5. No loan.

    – Gas: ~$75/week (Perk of driving a Prius) (~$4000)
    – Supplemental Oil: $30/month (Downside of driving a Prius) (~$360)
    – Oil & Filter Change: $65/2-months (could be cheaper but landlord banned us from doing car maintenance) (~$400)
    – Insurance: $90/month (~$1100)
    – Tires: ~$400/2-years. (I have summer and winter tires so it’s closer to $600/every 4 years now) (lets call it ~$200/year)
    – Registration: $130/2-years (~$65)
    – General Maintenance: Nothing the past year, the 2 years prior was about $1,400/year. I’ll need a new hybrid battery soon which will set me back $3k. (~$800 seems safe)
    – Parking passes: ~$120/year for state parks, county parks, and federal lands.
    – Washes: Nothing, the bugs and dirt protect the paint.

    About $7000. Error bars are large but I’d err on this being the low end.

  6. My 2012 car is paid off (bought it used about 6 years ago) and I now have permanent registration so no more yearly fee. (Most states let you do this if your car is 11 years or older.) Insurance is $66 a month. I fill my tank about 3x a month, about $140. (I often get discounts through supermarket points.) Other than that, just general maintenance like oil changes and getting winter tires swapped.

  7. Annually (estimates because i’m too lazy to look at the exact price in my bank account):

    – My car payment: $1600
    – Insurance: $1800
    – Gas: $700-900? i drive on a lot of road trips so it’s way higher. but normal $20 on gas a week
    – Oil Changes: $240
    – Tires: $400
    – Bath & Body Works Air Fresheners: $20 (gotta have a good smelling car)
    – Some random shit that needs fixed: $300-900 (paid for a $1500 repair this year)

  8. Well my insurance is $130/month, gas is around $70/month, I spend around $50/month on maintenance although it has some annoying problems I just deal with to save money, and my tag was $30 this year. So in total I spend around $3000/year on the car.

  9. Taxes: $70/yr.

    Gas: $100/month.

    General maintenance: about $300/yr. Tires, oil changes, belts, that sort of thing.

    Irregular maintenance: about $500-1000/yr. It’s a 20-year-old car, things break. I usually get one a year, but if you average over lifespan, that’s the number.

  10. Insurance is probably around 800.

    Otherwise, just gas which it’s fairly decent on. I don’t usually have to work on it very often.

  11. I have 3 cars. They’re 2003, 2005, and a 2008. Obviously, paid off.

    Insurance for all 3 – $1,440 yr

    Tax/Tags all 3 – $126 yr

    Oil changes x3 – whatever the oil costs, my daughter or step-dad do it

    Gas it really depends, and I’m not even going to try to guess. The 03 Pathfinder gets 14mpg, but I typically drive her when I need more room like hauling things or pets and in the winter. The 08 Beetle gets good gas mileage and is convertible, I drive her most of the sunny season. The 05 Chev Aveo is my daughters car in my name, but we just sort of drive whatever car suits our needs. It gets the best gas milage. I put $35 in gas Aug 1 and have used 1/8 of a tank of gas driving around town between the two of us.

    Tires are random too. When the Pathfinder needs new tires it’s about $500 for all 4. The Beetle is less, the tires are smaller. I haven’t bought new tires for the Aveo, daughters dad has. Probably the least, they’re barely above bike tires. We don’t need new tires every year.

  12. We have 4 cars, all paid off. 1994 Buick, 1997 Chrysler, 2003 Chevy, and a 2004 Cadillac. Insurance on all 4 is 600 a year ( only 1 comprehensive), with licence and registration 250 for all 4. New tires and shocks on 3 were 1000 per car over the last 3 years, and new tires on the Cadillac were 1000. All 4 needed a new battery over the last 4 years. I’d say 1000 in maintenance per year average last 6 years and about 100 a month in gas.

    So, average gas, maintenance, registration and insurance around 3000 per year

  13. Property tax: $0

    Registration: $30 ($60/2 years)

    Oil change/scheduled maintenance: ~$200

    Tires: ~$87 (about $436 for a set/5 years)

    Diesel: ~$522 (6000 miles @ 44mpg @ $3.83/gal)

    Insurance: ~$447

    Total: ~$1286/year

  14. A couple thousand. Maybe more. Now that I’m working from home I’m probably not going to get another car when my current 11 year old car finally dies. It’d be cheaper to just Uber and pay for deliveries than own a car at this point.

  15. My daily driver is $2000 max. I drive about 2000 miles a year. Insurance is cheap, it gets good mpg and it’s paid for.

  16. Maybe $3500?

    $100/month for gas, 1200 for insurance, $150 for registration and the rest for repairs.

  17. Now that it’s paid off it’s around 1,500/year for gas, insurance, registration, yearly inspection and routine maintenance

  18. It’s paid off, so;

    I think my insurance is $800/yr

    Registration is like $60/yr

    Maybe $300 in maintenance

    Estimating $1000 in fuel. I drive probably 4k miles annually.

    And for the 4 years I have had it I’ve spend about $12K in performance modifications.

  19. Got a new car in March. Payments are $425/ mo. Insurance is $125/mo. State and city registration are about $250 combined, for the year. New car so no maintenance costs (all new tires and brakes and such, free oil change for 2 years). We’ve only been driving about 500 mi/mo so gas is about $60/mo.

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