In short, I’ve spent a lot of time by myself over the last few years.

Not all bad though as I’ve been on a journey of leaving behind my old life of partying, drugs, fighting, negative enviroments, very toxic etc. I decided enough was enough.

I went abroad and focussed on myself and my business. Gym, meditation, books, work, creating, good diet etc etc you know it all.

Now I am trying to put myself back into society step by step but wondering if anyone has done anything similar that has real advice?

For example, I think I’m approachable but when I start speaking it’s like a huge adrenaline rush/deer in the headlights eyes/socially anxious. Someone today started speaking to me in the supermarket, we’re both foreigners clearly but I was just in that state I mention above of like anxiety. So I’m trying to work through this and be able to just conversate with anyone and have positive experiences.


  1. My only advice is that you need to put yourself in those situations more frequently. It’s similar to giving presentations which are extreme anxiety producers- do it more often and it will get easier

  2. My social skills deteriorated when I was around people. Turns out they are trash, so since I excluded them I’ve made good recovery. So isolating isn’t bad in comparison to shit company.

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