Hi All,

I’m a Senior Admin working for a charity and there’s been discussion recently around changing my job title to fit in more with my role. I have somewhere around 30ish responsibilities.
My question to you all is, what job title would you give this if not ‘Senior Admin’.

My responsibilities are, but not limited to:

– Managing social media (updates/content/messages/replies etc.).
– Monthly project reporting.
– Quarterly project reporting.
– Preparing paperwork (registration forms)
– Taking and distributing referrals for the project.
– Single processor for all food and fuelbank. referrals for all staff (88ish).
– Organising events.
– Recruitment (sending out packs, inviting to interview, preparing applications, posting to job sites etc.)
– Procurement for the project.
– Feedback with clients for the project.
– File audits.
– Fire Marshall, First Aid, Evac chair and defib trained.
– Miscellaneous tasks.
– Maintaining and building rapport with referrers and assets.
– Data analysis.
– Website management.
– LinkedIN management.
– Archiving files.
– Amending errors on the CRM and contributing to improvements via suggestion.
– Management of referral databases x3.
– Editing and creating paperwork, compliant with ISO9001:2015.
– Video and poster creation for marketing.
– Supporting all staff with IT.
– Supporting project staff daily with tasks etc.
– Supporting the Head of Service and Project Manager daily.
– Supporting the CEO occasionally with various tasks.
– Creation of rotas for various tasks and cover.
– Manage 6x inboxes including my own, all website enquiries, general email queries to the company, recruitment and 2x referral inboxes.
– Assisting the Operations team when required.
– Look after GDPR for the project and cover in the absence of the Data Compliance Officer.

I do a lot more too on an adhoc basis, but generally these are most of my repeated responsibilities.

  1. The literal definition of a senior administrator.

    I mean sure, you could shoehorn some fancy sounding job title in but why bother when the one you have perfectly encapsulates what you do.

  2. General dogsbody?

    Why would you care – does it change your pay? Are you looking for a new job and trying to pad your CV?

    Your work can call you whatever they want within reason – for all I care my work can call me the gimp as long as the pay keeps coming – that’s the implicit agreement between you and your employer. They pay you money and you’re their jobs monkey.

  3. Chief Operations Officer (COO)?

    Senior Operations Officer/Executive/Manager?

    Director of Operations?


    Operations Lead?

  4. With the website, social media and reporting, you could justify a digital marketing manager role or similar. This could be a path for growth / higher salary if you are able to ditch the other more ‘admin’ responsibilities.

  5. This reminds me of Only Fools and Horses where Rodney is asking for his job back with Trotters Independent Trading and Del agrees.

    Rodney “And what title will I have?”

    Delboy “Well we’ll call you Lord Rodney”


  6. …Senior Administrator sounds right. No specialisation, wide breath of duties, no niche tasks.

    What was the issue with your title?

  7. Depends how far you want to take it:

    Senior Administrator – actually describes the role you do but to other people might see it as low level grunt work.

    Business Support Officer – bit more fancy sounding but people might still think of it as “secretary plus”.

    General Manager – kind of works but as it’s also used as a synonym for CEO you might be pushing it.

    Operations Manager – I like this one. Vague but strong. Gets the people going.

    Transformation Executive – nobody knows what the fuck these people are meant to do so you could probably get away with nicking their title.

  8. ‘Senior admin assistant’ (if there are other administrative assistants working there and you are senior)

    Otherwise ‘admin assistant’

  9. You have just listed a load of buzzwords, If I got that in a CV it would go right in the bin. I mean a job where you list …

    > Miscellaneous tasks.

    > Supporting the CEO occasionally with various tasks.

    > Look after GDPR for the project and cover in the absence of the Data Compliance Officer.

    You should be Head of Marketing, Director of Communications AND COO all at the same time.

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