I’m almost 31 now. But when I was in high school and college, I’ve taken a puff here and there of weed joints every now and then or bong hits.

I’ve never ever smoked a cigarettes before but I’ve had maybe like less than 10 total cigars in my life. I tried it before because I was like well I’m not inhaling it into my lungs so it’s fine but then realized it can also cause gum disease or cancer so I stopped.

I’ve taken a few puffs of vape here and there a few years ago but also ended up coughing super hard since my lung isn’t use to the nicotine and haven’t tried since.

  1. First, that’s an interesting question. Health survey? Dating-related question?

    Second, no. I wouldn’t consider you a “former smoker” based on what you described. I think “former smoker” implies you were regularly smoking for a long period of time. It sounds like you’ve tried it here and there a hand full of times, but never actually got hooked or had the chance to do anything that might resemble serious damage.

    I am not a doctor, OP.

  2. No. I consider a “former smoker” to be someone who smoked (inhaled) daily for an extended period of time and then quit.

  3. So, why would anyone care that you’re a former smoker? (and yes, of course you are)

    Room mates? Landlord? Employer? Dating partners? Any of those might care. (I’m a Landlord and would not rent to a smoker or former smoker, as my property’s setup for non-smokers only.)

    I imagine you don’t think you’ll return to the practice.

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