Left, right, front, back pocket or maybe you just tuck them in your boots? Just curious. Also what are the things you usually have on you when going out? I usually have my phone in my left pocket, keys and wallet in my right pocket

  1. Front right.

    It’s the first thing I test with any sort of pants after the basic fit. I have to be able to get my phone and hand into that pocket easily, or I don’t buy them.

    Life’s too short for shitty pockets.

  2. My right pocket if I’m out and have my wallet in my left, usually my left when I’m carrying my phone with me in the house.

  3. Front left. Wallet and keys are in front right. If I’m wearing a suit, same side, but inside of the suit jacket, not in pants pockets.

  4. I keep my phone in back left pocket.

    Wallet goes in back right pocket. House keys and chapstick go in front right pocket.

  5. It actually switches around a lot, the only one I never put it in is front right because my keys and pocket knife are there. All three pants pockets and any chest or kangaroo pockets from a jacket/hoodie are fair game.

  6. Front left, phone, upsidedown, screen inward.
    Front right, vape, loose change when I have it, sometimes a knife clipped to the pocket.
    Rear right, wallet, always stowed with the same orientation.
    Rear left, earbuds case.

    This is always the same so I can function with muscle memory alone. It might vary a bit for formal occasions. I carry less in formalwear so the fit looks better. Phone and vape would move to an inner jacket chest pocket. No knife, change or earbuds. When wearing dress clothes, always tell them to keep the change.

    Stay dapper gents.

  7. Neither. I’m a business owner and I have 2 phones. I like a larger phone. Because my hands are big. But that makes my phones uncomfortable in my pockets. So I leave them at home or in my vehicle. I never have my phone when I’m out and about. I honestly wish the belt holsters were still a thing. I know they aren’t “cool” anymore but they were convenient. I carry my wallet in my front left pocket and my keys and pocket knife in my front right pocket. I don’t carry anything in my back pockets….OTHER THAN THIS WAGON I BE DRAGGING…(PAUSE) 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I carry my spicy taco right kidney. Concealed of course. Because I’m not a moron.

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