Would you be mad at them, or would you just consider it an unfortunate situation that everyone is doing their best to handle appropriately? Let’s say they haven’t done anything wrong but you just know because of that sixth sense we have about someone having a crush on someone.

  1. Assuming they didn’t tell anyone, or started hanging around him more than usual, then no, I wouldn’t be mad. Small, fleeting crushes are normal and harmless, and having one doesn’t mean you intend to ever act on it.

    With that said, if this kept going for a while and/or it was getting obvious enough that people could tell, I’d expect them to take responsibility over their feelings and distance themselves for a bit until the crush had died down. When I’ve been the one with the crush, I’ve kept my distance out of respect for both myself, the crush and their partner, and I’d expect the same courtesy from other people.

  2. Lots of people have crushes on my partner cuz he’s amazing. It’s not a big deal. Crushes are temporary and I trust him not to take anything too far.

  3. You can’t help who you’re attracted to. As long as they’re not trying to act on it, I don’t care. It’s flattering.

  4. I trust my partner. I also know they’re hot. I know that a friend of theirs wrote on her social media that she thinks my partner is hot last summer. Am I a little wary when my partner brings up hanging with this friend? Sure. But do I trust my partner? Immensely. And I don’t think that they have any inkling that this woman has a crush on them. They don’t hang out with her often, maybe 3-4 times a year. If that changed to being much more frequently, I’d confront my partner about the fact that I know that this woman has- or at least had- a crush on them.

  5. We have no control over who we love/crush on. It would be wrong to judge them for it as long as they’re not crossing boundaries.

  6. I’d be uncomfortable about it, but not mad if they’re not crossing lines. If I know they’re either making it known or being too obvious about it. If you have a crush on your friends spouse or partner, keep it to yourself.

  7. If I couldn’t handle it, I couldn’t be with my husband. I’m pretty sure 99% of his female friends, all of mine and random strangers are into my husband, at least in passing. Women have straight up walked up to him while we’re out and began flirting with him while he’s holding my hand, it was awkward at first but now I just accept it. Even my mom adores him and that’s asking a lot. My friend admittedly had a crush on him but a falling out between us probably fixed that one.

    Anyway, I fully trust my husband and in the scenario you present where everyone is being 100% behaved about the situation, I’d be flattered.

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