What resentments do you have?

  1. Modern “leadership”. The burden of leadership *used to be* that the leader had to suffer for the consequences of the hard decisions that were made.

    Now, there are often sociopaths in such positions who feel *nothing* after virtually anything. There’s no burden without moral suffering.

  2. I resent that my predecessor in my position at work had several months to train and sit with *her* predecessor, but she was fine throwing me straight into the fire after like three weeks.

  3. people in my country, born with every advantage and educated in the best schools, are using their privilege and talent to burn the whole beautiful thing to the ground, in order to rule over the ashes, while disparaging the education, knowledge and expertise that got us here.

    i resent the fuck out of that.

  4. Focusing too much on my career..

    Going through medical school and residency I spent my youth almost solely on my career. Even my undergraduate experience was full of research, volunteering, etc. I never partied in spring break. I never got black out drunk.

    Now I’m a doctor, I make almost 500k a year. I have a beautiful wife. I’m happy in many ways but I feel like I’m too well known in the community to do dumb stuff. People ask me advice not just on medicine but on life. I have friends who sometimes reminisce about all the house parties and shenanigans they did in undergrad. Most aren’t doing anything with their lives now but they have memories I’ll never have. Oh well, I accept my life choices.

  5. Wasting my youth thinking I was different.

    31 now, slowly dragging myself back out there. The devil in me tries to tempt me back to the PC but I have admitted and forgave my pathetic former life and just learn to deal with struggle and strife now.

  6. Honestly I am pretty salty about… everybody, in some way. It’s hard to have faith in the institutions I live in when every relationship is either transactional, competitive, or both.

    We were meant to live in groups of like 30 people for our whole lives. The fact that we don’t means we have a hard time building a proper “tribe” where values like reciprocity and reliability have their day. We’ve replaced it with a veneer of polite etiquette, but that breaks the second a little pressure is put on it.

    My coworkers will only stick by me as long as I make money for the company. My friends will only stick by me as long as I have the same hobbies as them. Any women in my life will only stick by me as long as I elevate their own status, finances, or childcare needs. The moment I falter in any of these obligations, they can just replace me with the infinite number of potential replacements out there in the world.

  7. Right now…it’s Russell goddam Wilson! He needs to get his shit together this season! 😡

  8. TikTok as a whole

    Not fond of it existing but I understand

    I just resent how pervasive it is. Can’t consume media anywhere else without being reminded of its existence or seeing it’s stuff crossposted or being sent links to it. I resent how hard it’s becoming to “just don’t use it” because I legitimately don’t want to

  9. How men are treated. We’re the enemy no matter what we do, even young boys. I’m so tired of it all.

  10. I’m resentful towards my parents for the abusive and neglectful way they raised me. Now that I’m older and am more accomplished, they tell everyone around them how great my accomplishments are with the important caveat that they are the ONLY reason I’ve been able to achieve any of it. I have a million mental issues and almost no close friendships due to my trauma, but I get good grades and that’s all that matters when you’re bragging to your friends about your parental skills

  11. I resent people who’ve lived horrible, difficult and unusual lives that haven’t learned how to be humble from them. Like people who worked shitty awful jobs at a young age but then have their kids work shitty awful jobs young, not out of necessity but “because I did it”

    That’s just one example but seriously Fuck people like that.

  12. Canadas lack of drive and innovation/investment into anything except pouring money into real estate. I resent it more and more everyday, because hard work doesn’t reward anyone here anymore. Housing prices are insane and they only benefit people now who got lucky from the 50’s-90’s. The wealth inequality among rich and poor keeps growing, even though younger generations are much more educated.

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