I have been dating my boyfriend for a few years now. Before me he had a girlfriend who was German/Brazilian. I was never the pushy type of person when it came to asking about his previous relationships. He brought it up on his own and then let me ask questions. But without any prompt when he was explaining and showing me photos of her he would use the words” she was a golden goddess/ she’s very beautiful and attractive/she and I had alot of sex and my relationship with her was mostly primal. I think in his head he probably thought if he said this that it would not make me feel as bad as if he said he really loved her and had a deep connection with her? He did call her a cheater and all that and disliked her behaviours. But it really bothered me how he spoke about her. I didn’t want him to bash her but at least not boast about how hot she was. He also spoke pretty detailed about their sex life and how much he loved having sex with her but hated her brain and her morals etc. I was a virgin he knew this so it made me feel like bad for some reason like he was comparing me. Then when I said in a light hearted way that I was jealous of her beauty he replied beauty fades and I want u. You are the type of woman I want to mother my kids etc. Although it’s sweet I don’t think he realized it really bothered me he basically said I was not as hot as her but it’s ok BC I was still pure and wasn’t a whore . For reverence we are complete opposites his ex was brown skinned exotic and curvy/sexually driven and experienced she had large breasts and a big ass, she’s free spirited and played games with him, meanwhile I am french Canadian blonde and thin basically no womanly curves and medium/small breasts and an average face you would forget if you walked past me. He is Arab and extremely attractive and has girls always wanting him and has alot of female friends he even bragged about at one time ( also really hurt me but I didn’t show any signs initially that it did BC I wanted him to like me back and I find most ppl just like me BC I’m really agreeable) I think the thing he really loved was the pure side of me but I always think about how in his eyes I’m not as hot as she is and he’s probably always gonna think that. Also I think if he called her all these things after they were broken up how would he find a woman the complete opposite look wise attractive? I constantly think about it alot. He always talks about wanting a family with me and how much he loves me and I do too but it’s hard for me to get over the comparison. He had only really said these things about her looks the first few times we talked about it then he never did after but I constantly find myself overthinking about this and it never escapes my mind when I look in the mirror. I don’t really know what to do. Whenever I try to bring it up he kinda wants to switch the topic and the most he says is he didn’t mean it and then tries to degrade her But when he said those things initially about her he said them with so much pride like he was proud of the fact that she was so hot. Idk what to do at this point. I love him dearly and this makes me really sad. I’m not a perfect person either but I can’t get over this. He also knows I had a very bad eating disorder as a teen and it really affected me and ruined alot of my life and I am not a confident person either so this just made my self esteem worse. So knowing all this he still doesn’t understand how I feel. I have tried degrading her myself with comments ( I know it’s not a kind thing to do and I honestly am not that type of person but I just wanted some reassurance and to feel better about myself at the time) but when I did he would always defend her and deny the things I said. It literally broke me and I felt worthless. I guess I just wanted to be desired in the same way physically rather than always being the woman men choose BC I’m conservative and not ” ran through”

1 comment
  1. he said all of that to get in your head. he wants to compare you two. very gross behavior from him.

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