I’ve known this man for years and this summer we became official he’s a good man he compliments me he tells me he loves me and always have me in his future plans, there was one thing that we always fought about and it is that he goes for long periods of time with no updates and i get worried and he lives like 500km away so i can’t just go to his house or his city and i always express how anxious and worried it makes me and how much i hate it and he’s sorry and we brush it off everytime..
Last week we spend the night talking and texting all lovey the next day he’s gone for 4 days he did not text call or replyed to my texts and calls then came back and said ” sorry i worried you” and i snaped at him and broke up with him.
No it has been 11 days no contact and i unfollowed him everywhere, and he was preparing to go study abroad so i think he’s already gone and i am here not able to move on or talk to any other man because he built my standards and all men sound boring to me now

WHAT SHOULD I DO? should i text him? Should i just hold it in and slowly move on? Should i swallow my pride?? OR WAIT?

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