I’m trying to think of non-swear word ones but a example is ‘you fucking bastard’ said when someone says something great

  1. To be fair they are all gonna be a bit sweary…you jammy…….. bastard, cunt, prick, bugger, twat etc

  2. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist”, usually said in a half-joking manner when somebody’s upset or frustrated with something.

  3. Mush…..just means mate or face in most parts of the country but when I spent some time in Bristol I had a few bristolians and londoners act offended when hearing me say it.

  4. Is it only English speakers that can make the most offensive word sound like a pat on the back, and the sweetest words drip with malice, my mentor whilst I was an apprentice used to call me a “soft c*nt while laughing his head off, and bollock me with a “jeez”

  5. Depending where you’re from, saying “cunt” instead of “couldn’t”

    Guilty 💁🏻‍♀️

  6. Opposite to this is calling someone a berk, sounds innocent enough but it is short for Berkeley hunt which is rhyming slang for cunt

  7. Whenever I watch a property show, and someone uses the phrase “Period features”.

    Just sounds like a playground insult.

  8. “up with the cock”

    Idk if it’s a bit on the nose that one, I think it’s meant to be “up with the lark”

  9. According to alot of Americans on my friends YouTube channel “niggles”

    He says it when talking about issues with tech or things that aren’t quite right and they always say they think it’s racist sounding

  10. Once got told off by an American kid on another forum (a nerd forum where we were talking about modifying device drivers, I think) for saying such-a-process was a fag. Talking about how it was an insensitive and offensive term and I should stop being so horrible to people, in the way only a twelve-year-old can say it.

    Here, of course, if something is a fag, it’s an inconvenient annoyance, usually repetitive or with little return. It has nothing to do with the American usage of the word.

    CF: “faff”.

  11. “niggardly” – Is an actual word, that has nothing to do with racial slurs, but I have never been brave enough to use it in the wild. It means “ungenerous” or “meager”.

  12. You Muppet: is a term used for extremely stupid people

    Fag: British slang term for cigarette

    Faggot: Welsh spices meatball dish in gravy

    To be fair the British working class used any random word as an insult, due to the middle and upper classes policing their speech during the 18th and 19th century’s (sending them to places like Australia for the smallest infractions as an indentured workforce).

    There are two different working class languages specifically created to allow them to communicate without the police and upper classes using it against them.

    One is the more famous “Cockney Rhyming Slang” and the other was mostly adopted by the Homosexual community and it’s called “Polari”

    There is a book about it called “Fabulosa!: The Story of Polari, Britain’s Secret Gay Language” by Paul Baker

    There is also a famous BBC radio play “Round the Horne” that had two gay men called Julian and Sandy, Hugh Paddick and Kenneth Williams, who openly said the most outrageous and sexually explicit things on the BBC from 1965 to 1968, but as they were said in Polari the censors never knew what they were saying.

  13. I don’t know why, but cilit band always looks dodgy to me when I see it written.

    That and king Cnut.

  14. Calling a girl homely isn’t an insult here, it means she’s kind, cosy, welcoming, someone who makes people feel at home.

  15. pearl necklace is guaranteed to raise a laugh when used to describe the accessory made from nacre, presumably why people refer to them as “pearls” now.

    Smeg – the Italian appliance brand, always makes me smirk. (No, we men *never* get tired of the joke)

    Muffin the Mule- a children’s TV series not a description….

  16. Was having a cup of tea at uni once, there was quite a big mixed group of us. Asked an American girl if she wanted a Hobnob, and she thought it was a really filthy way to proposition her and got super mad.

    Weird thing was, I was holding the biscuit packet at the time and offered her the pack when I asked her but she still managed to get confused and upset.

    (If she were into me and would’ve agreed I totally would’ve Hobnobbed her though)

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