I feel like people gets so locked up on the idea of having a “boyfriend/girlfriend wife/husband” that they don’t actually take the time to just relax , have fun and date for like a year or more without a title . Let’s just go on dates , vacation and still be successful and have our own lives . Why must we have to be consumed into one person and go everywhere and do everything together. As in official I mean don’t go and sleep or talk with other people , be a decent human . Jealousy is a disgusting trait and it ruins all relationships for me , I just don’t put up with it . I mean we aren’t kids , I won’t deal with childish antics.

  1. I’m all for taking my time but a year is crazy….the longest I would do without a title is six months….it seems like you’re looking for something casual

  2. Well, first of all you’re mixing up official and exclusive. A title is official, not sleeping or talking to other people is exclusive. Pretty strange to me that you are ok with exclusivity, which is a commitment and does change things in your life, but not with just a word that doesn’t really change anything. Most people who want to relax and have fun, probably won’t want the commitment of exclusivity to be included in that package. And people who are looking to commit will probably want the title to go with it. You want something in middle, which is rare.

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