From what I’ve seen, Reddit travelers seem to often dislike, or even hate, places like Las Vegas, Hollywood (or even LA as a whole), Times Square, Disneyland, and Disney World. Have you felt differently about these, or other commonly disliked places? What would your tips be for those who wish to give these places a second chance, so that they have a better experience next time?

  1. I’ve rarely heard anyone outside this sub say anything positive about Chicago but it’s a really fun city

  2. Everyone complains about Disney adults and long lines in the parks but Disney World/Disney Land hold very special places in my heart! Lots of childhood memories. Never have had a bad day there 🙂

  3. I love Las Vegas, I’ve been a dozen times or more. We used to just get in the car and drive down when we were teenagers. I went for my friend’s graduation. I went with another friend before I moved to Germany. I’ve been with my mom and aunt. It’s just always been fun.

    Don’t go when it’s blazing hot, don’t spend the entire time in casinos, don’t stay drunk the entire time.

    I’ve never drank a drop of alcohol on any of my trips, I don’t know if that makes a difference. I don’t enjoy gambling. I played $20 in a slot machine one time. Lost it. Was over the whole thing.

    I people watch, go to museums, window shop/actually shop, get tattooed, see shows, and just look at stuff. There is so much to see. I either go off strip during the day or stay around the hotel pool. At night, that’s when the city comes alive.

  4. I think Times Square is fun. I wouldn’t make a day of it or anything but it’s fun to walk through.

    I’ve also seen the Liberty Bell a million times and I still think it’s neat.

  5. Lots of people loathe driving across the Great Plains, especially Kansas.

    I fucking *love* driving I-70 across Kansas on road trips.

  6. I’ve seen some hate for the French Quarter in New Orleans, but I enjoyed it. And I’m not even a college kid.

  7. I liked Mount Rushmore. I thought it was definitely worth the stop, I’m not sure what people were expecting when they say they were disappointed, unless they drove 2,000 miles just to see it and go home

  8. Times Square is one of those places where it’s worth seeing for like 30 seconds to say you saw it and then noping out immediately and never going back if at all possible

    ETA: I think one reason so many people try to warn tourists off of it is because they come and think that’s what NYC *is* and have this bad impression. Go to William Poll and get sandwiches, or provisions at Eataly, a nice bottle of wine, some bakery pastries and sit on a bench in the park. Or wander around to a cute little bistro that has an interesting name and menu. Avoid Times Square it is NOT the real NYC.

  9. Dallas TX. Surprisingly I had a blast there, I saw the symphony at the Symphony Center, a play in the Opera House, and I went to Six Flags too. It was a blast

  10. Of all your examples, I’d say the only place I don’t like is Hollywood (but that’s just one part of LA which overall I do like). So I dunno, I think those places are popular for a reason and redditors don’t do a great job of representing the general population

  11. So, Wall Drug on South Dakota is a huge tourist trap. However I find it to be fun. It’s probably more fun if you have kids, but even as an adult, it’s still interesting even if all you do is just get a buffalo burger or a doughnut and coffee in the dining room. That has a cool looking western art gallery. I’d say at the very least it’s probably worth, looking at for an hour, or at least getting some food. The foods, halfway decent, especially the buffalo burgers, hot beef, and the donuts. If you ever find yourself going to the badlands, or the Black Hills, it’s somewhat worth it.

  12. Houston. You eat like a king for cheap, and while it’s hot in the summer, it’s much less miserable with lots of greenery for the rest of the year. I love visiting relatives down there during the holidays

  13. Myrtle Beach. It’s funny because even people irl in South Carolina hate Myrtle, but I think it’s a really fun place as long as you temper your expectations. You’re going to have trashy fun and play golf, you’re not staying at the Ritz

  14. Not sure if people don’t like Nashville or not but I know my friends in Nashville never want to come to come to Broadway with me and I LOVE hitting Brad way when I’m in town (a few times a year for work). A seemingly endless strip of bars with decent cover bands who will play what I ask them to play as long as I tip them? Yes count me IN. There’s a lot more to love about that city too but I can’t pretend like I don’t love the tourist central too.

  15. I fucking love Myrtle Beach.

    I’ve been going there my whole life and will continue to do so.

  16. I don’t know if it’s hated on Reddit or not but for a touristy area, Williamsburg, VA is really a wonderful city to visit. Really has a small town feel but so much to do regardless of what you like. If you like history, there’s Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown. If you like thrilling roller coasters and theme parks, there’s Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Also plenty of great restaurants and unique shopping areas. Also cool things to do in nearby Surry, VA which is a short ferry ride across the James River away.

  17. I’ve heard a lot of people crap on the Grand Canyon because it’s just a big hole in the ground with nothing else to do for miles….but y’all. It’s breathtaking. Just take the time to disconnect from your phone and take in its size, take in the colors, and think about how long it took to form. I’ve been there for sunrise and it’s magical.

  18. Anyone who hates LA as a whole frankly has no idea what they’re talking about. Los Angeles is vast-it isn’t just Hollywood Blvd, The Grove and whatever other tourist places people go. I find those who hate LA think it’s just Kardashian-type people and Beverly Hills.

    I will admit I’m biased since I’ve lived here all my life but it has such a wide variety of activities and people and food and everything.

    Suggestions: search historical walking or bus tours, hiking in Griffith Park, our museums (all sorts of arts and sciences), our theaters always have huge Broadway productions going, there’s a bunch of comedy clubs, some of the best restaurants in the world, the beach is gorgeous, especially further up toward Malibu.

  19. I like Mount Rushmore.

    The secret is to get there early when there’s nobody but deer in the park.

  20. Tombstone is one giant tourist trap, but I’ve always had a blast when I went. Was stationed in the Army nearby and went a few times because some of the bars are just so much fun to drink in because of the history and the interesting locals. Doing the dumb tours is also part of the charm, and you might see a ghost.

  21. I love LA, reddit doesn’t give it nearly enough credit for how huge and diverse it is in both people and content. There’s so many great things to do and see that I doubt anyone could do it all in one trip. Also the food there is in incredible too.

  22. I think the primary objection for many people is not those places in and of themselves but the idea that for many tourists that might be the only (kind of) place they see and then think they have seen “America”.

    They come to a country that’s the size of a continent and see two places geared to separating tourists from their money and then go home. There’s no balance. They don’t know what they have seen or how it relates to anything else.

  23. Mississippi. I think it became sort of a meme to hate on them without any good opinion to back it up other than the usual talking points.

    Really friendly people with really tasty food.

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