How many bones have you broken/fractured through out your life?

  1. 3.

    Broke my fibula sledding when I was a kid, and that was the single most painful thing I’ve ever experienced.

    Stress fracture of the tibia as an adult. Uncomfortable, but not all that painful.

    Fractured the base of my thumb skiing. An instant of sharp pain, but mostly just sore afterwards.

  2. Zero. Dislocated and sprained the fuck outta some things though, and I have more scars than I care to count. My wife used to half joke that the ER was going to give me a frequent flyer card.

  3. Three*

    *Among the three bones I have fractured, there is one that I have fractured twice.

  4. The same one twice. Broke my left femur at the age of 2 and a half years, then fractured it about 6 months later.

  5. Left fibia & tibia twice, left femur once, left hip once, 4 ribs on left side once, left collar bone twice, left shoulder blade once, right ankle twice, right fibia & tibia once. 2 ribs on right side once, right collar bone once. That’s about all that I can remember. šŸ˜

  6. 2 broken, 7 fractured.

    Ironically, the broken bones were both my left big toe by dropping a 45lb weight on it at the exact same gym, the exact same way, doing the exact same workout almost exactly 10 years apart and I was talking about the time it happened 2 minutes before it happened. šŸ˜‚

  7. Two broken fingers and
    one broken ankle,
    so three.

    Also a dislocated arm but that doesn’t really count, still painful and annoying as hell though.

  8. Right wrist fractured twice.

    Upper and lower jaw were surgically broken if that counts.

  9. Both wrists twice each. Every single finger on both hands at least once each. I think my right trigger twice, thumb almost torn off when broken and it still doesn’t function right. Four ribs on the right side. Three ribs on the left side. Different times. Both ankles twice each. Both big toes. Both little toes.

    Arthritis is fun.

  10. Most of my fingers, all my toes, my skull, my nose bone, my jaw and one of my collarbones.

  11. I stopped counting at 16 but I haven’t done many since then.

    A bunch of those were finger and foot fractures from martial arts.

  12. Fractured a couple of bones in my foot playing rugby and one in my hand in a work accident.

    Kinda surprising given I’ve ridden motorcycles half my life and had multiple offs.

  13. None, and I donā€™t know how. Iā€™ve hit the side of an airplane twice, landed in the trees HARD. Fallen exactly 138ā€™ (had a differential GPS with me so got that z-coordinate) down a mountain, been blown up, fallen off roofs. Iā€™ve always walked away from it. Iā€™m 38 now and I get paranoid about getting an injury as I get older. I donā€™t even know if I can die.

  14. Somewhere between five and ten, I would estimate. Not sure, though. Never actually kept track.

  15. Two.

    Broke my left ankle when I got ran over by a golf cart at a job I had.

    Broke my right arm skateboarding, and missing a kick flip, which caused my arm to hit the grind rail near me.

  16. A lot. Broke pretty much everything in my lower body, broke both wrists and a couple bones in my face and nose. I think it was 24 bones in total

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