coworker drama

i’m (21f) and i work in an environment with 10-13 employees. i’ve worked here for 2 years and everyone has become close and friendly since we see each other nearly every single day. a few months ago we had a employee (26m) transfer into our department, and he became apart of the group naturally. we’ll call him.. dvd.

i’ve been with my 26m partner for 2 years and he has become really agitated when i talk about my day at work now that dvd works with me.

i only see this person as a coworker. i have dvd’s number due to a work group chat but, i have never talked to them outside of work. this coworker has a young daughter, and an on and off girlfriend.

one day, my partner and i were watching tv, something popped up on the screen that had reminded me of something that happened at work maybe 2 weeks prior. this coworker, dvd, explained to me that they had invited my other coworker (who is my actual best friend) to go to an abandoned building to explore. i turned down the offer saying “eh.. i’m not interested.” that was it, it was simple and he didn’t push further. i then told my partner about this, and he got upset with me that i brought it up.

the next day, he word for word said in a text, “Men are not fucking permitted to talk to you like that. He knew what he was doing” then put me down for saying “i’m not interested” because to him, that was not enough.

no matter what i say to him about it, somehow i’m in the wrong? he truly believes that somewhere deep down inside of me that i’d be excited to hang out with dvd. i’m not.

now, last night, my best friend (my coworker) hung out with dvd and went to explore one of these abandoned buildings. she called me to talk about it, to which i said, “idk it’s a little scary.. he’s nice at work but i wouldn’t hang out with him outside of it. not only am i in a relationship but, he has a daughter and a girlfriend” personally i wouldn’t hang out with him alone like she did but, that’s her decision and business.

my partner overheard me say “has a daughter and a girlfriend” then proceeded to ask me what we were talking about. i told him about it from start to finish. he then got upset because “i don’t want to hear you talk about dvd unless it’s you telling him to fuck off.” he asked me a question, then got upset with the truth. i’m at a loss and don’t know what to do…

tldr; my partner doesn’t like my new coworker, wants me to tell him to fuck off but, this coworker hasn’t done anything that warrants me telling him that. i have no interest in this coworker, i actually find him slightly odd but, it’s not getting through to my partner.

  1. I think you worded the title incorrectly. There is no drama with your coworker. There is drama with your obsessive, controlling, and manipulative small-dick-energy boyfriend.

  2. Had your BF already told you he didn’t want to hear about dvd when you told him about the abandoned building? And why is a guy with a daughter and a GF inviting female coworkers of a few months to explore abandoned buildings at night?

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