I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and a half and before this he was my best friend of 4 years. This is the first time I’m in a relationship where I genuinely fell in love with my partner. Now, even though we haven’t been together for THAT long, all on all I’ve known him for quite some time. Is it normal that I’m starting to get a little bored/annoyed already? I’m not like dying of boredom but I do feel more and more annoyed by some of his character traits.

Mainly it’s about his lack of ambition, his total unwillingness to move abroad in the future (I’m not saying he HAS to, but he won’t even CONSIDER it), his at times childish attitude (he just won’t admit when he’s wrong) and humor (I’m tired of sex jokes. sex jokes are funny but not in every single fucking conversation we have. jesus christ. we’re not old but we’re not 13 either thinking about sex doesn’t make me “giggle” all the time). Another thing that weights on me is how, when he’s going through an anxious phase, he expects me to be at his back and call and pick up the pieces. I am and want to be supportive, but I’m not a therapist. I myself am anxious and depressed, but I go to a therapist; that doesn’t mean I don’t talk about my struggles with him and ask for his support as well, but again, as SUPPORT, NOT as a main source of mental health. He used to see a therapist but now refuses to see one, and inevitably when exams season comes it starts all over again. It also of course doesn’t help with my own anxiety when he unloads his on me.

Also I do find myself thinking of what it would be like to have a relationship with someone else, feel “the spark” all over again etc. These thoughts are NOT specific to someone btw, they are about a general idealization of love and romance.

I wonder if this is just a “normal” phase or a symptom of something more. In less than a year I’ll also finish university and I believe we probably won’t live in the same place anymore, so that might be influencing me as well to look further ahead and wonder if this is meant to last after uni too. i’d like to reiterate that I love him to pieces, cause I feel like so far I sound like an asshole, but yea I feel slightly lost.

Idk if I should do something about it and talk with him around this points, but he gets very offended very easily so Im not sure it would work. All in all I’m not sure whether it’s a “phase” that I have to stick through and it’s just how relationships work or if it’s a sign that it’s not meant to last much longer.

1 comment
  1. Looks like your personalities and life goals don’t match.

    Try talking to him and if things still don’t improve for the better… There’s too many fish in the sea.

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